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The Agreement is for a term commencing from the date when approval thereof has been obtained both at the EGM and at Hualu Hengshengs board meeting (or shareholders meeting) and ending on 31 December 2015. The Agreement is terminable by either party with a three-month prior written notice. As at the date of this announcement, HHGC holds 100% equity interest of SXPGC. SXPGC holds and owns 36.32% of the total issued share capital of the Company and is the largest shareholder of the Company. HHGC holds 100% equity interest of SHHGC. SHHGC holds and owns 31.15% of the total issued share capital of Hualu Hengsheng and is the largest shareholder thereof. Hualu Hengsheng is therefore an associate of HHGC and so a connected person of the Company. Accordingly, the transactions contemplated under the Agreement constitute continuing connected transactions under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. In respect of the proposed annual caps under the Agreement for the three years ending 31 December 2015, as one or more of the applicable percentage ratios (as defined in the Listing Rules) exceed 5% and the annual consideration exceeds HK$10,000,000, the continuing connected transactions contemplated under the Agreement constitute non-exempt continuing connected transactions and are subject to the reporting and announcement requirements under rules 14A.45 to 14A.47 of the Listing Rules, the independent shareholders approval requirement under rule 14A.48 of the Listing Rules, the annual review requirement under rules 14A.37 to 14A.40 of the Listing Rules and the requirements set out in 14A.35(1) and 14A.35(2) of the Listing Rules. Independent Shareholders approvalThe EGM will be convened and held to seek approval from the Independent Shareholders in relation to the continuing connected transactions and the proposed annual caps under the Agreement. SXPGC and its associates will be required to abstain from voting at the EGM.An Independent Board Committee has been established to advise the Independent Shareholders on the terms of and the proposed annual caps under the Agreement.The Company has appointed Veda Capital Limited as its independent financial adviser to advise the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders on the terms of and the proposed annual caps for the Agreement. A circular containing, among other things, (i) details of the Agreement and the proposed annual caps; (ii) a letter from the Independent Board Committee to the Independent Shareholders; and (iii) recommendations of the independent financial adviser will be dispatched to the Shareholders on or before 22 July 2013.  THE AGREEMENT Date : 28 June 2013Parties : (i) the Company (ii) Hualu HengshengPrincipal terms and conditionsOn 28 June 2013, the Company and Hualu Hengsheng entered into the Chemical Product Supply Agreement pursuant to which the Group agrees to purchase from Hualu Hengsheng and/or its subsidiaries and Hualu Hengsheng and/or its subsidiaries agree to supply to the Group chemical products such as Acetic acid (x) and Acetic anhydride (P) at market prices. The terms of the Agreement have been arrived at after arm s length negotiation between the Company and Hualu Hengsheng and are on normal commercial terms. The principal terms and conditions are as follows: The term of the Agreement is for a term commencing from the date when approval thereof has been obtained both at the EGM and at Hualu Hengshengs board meeting (or shareholders meeting) and ending on 31 December 2015. The selling prices for the chemical products charged by Hualu Hengsheng and/or its subsidiaries shall be determined at market prices.Under the same conditions, Hualu Hengsheng and/or its subsidiaries shall provide the chemical products to members of the Group in priority to other purchasers of the products.Under the same conditions, the Group shall purchase the chemical products from Hualu Hengsheng and/or its subsidiaries in priority to other independent third parties. Either the Company or Hualu Hengsheng is entitled to terminate the Agreement with three-month prior written notice. Payment termsThe chemical products purchased under the Agreement will be delivered to the Group upon receipt of payments made by the Group to Hualu Hengsheng and/or its subsidiaries in relation to such products. Proposed annual capsThe proposed annual caps for the continuing connected transactions under the Agreement for the three years ending 31 December 2015 are set out below:-2013(RMB 000)1 Januay 2014 31 December 2014(RMB 000)1 January 2015 31 December 2015(RMB 000)Proposed annual caps70,000150,000200,000In arriving at the above proposed annual caps, the Directors have taken into account the following factors:-the historical amount of the relevant chemical products the members of the Group placed with other independent suppliers;the projected demand for the relevant products by the members of the Group; the business development of the members of the Group; the projected increase in the market prices of the relevant chemical products; andthe fact that the transactions under the Agreement will only commence in the second half of 2013 subject to the Independent Shareholders approval. On basis of the above, it is estimated that:The demand for the relevant chemical products by the members of the Group in 2014 may be more than double of that in the second half of 2013; The demand for the relevant chemical products by the members of the Group may have an approximate 25% increase in 2015 comparing with that of 2014;the market prices of the relevant chemical products may have an approximate 10% increase in 2015 comparing with that of 2014. Reasons for and benefits of the continuing connected transactions By virtue of the Agreement, the Group will be able to purchase the chemical products from Hualu Hengsheng and/or its subsidiaries direct and can therefore reduce the number of intermediaries involved and the procurement costs thereof where purchases are made through other third parties. In addition, a stable supply of the products can be maintained. In view of the above, the Directors consider that the entering into the Agreement is in the best interest of the Company and its shareholders as a whole. They also consider that the Agreement has been negotiated on an arms length basis and the continuing connected transactions contemplated under the Agreement are entered into in the ordinary and usual course of business on basis of normal commercial terms and that the terms of the continuing connected transactions under the Agreement and the proposed annual caps thereof are fair and reasonable.Connected RelationshipAs at the date of this announcement, HHGC holds 100% equity interest of SHHGC. SHHGC holds and owns 31.15% of the total issued share capital of Hualu Hengsheng and is the largest shareholder thereof. HHGC holds 100% equity interest of SXPGC. SXPGC holds and owns 36.32% of the total issued share capital of the Company and is the largest shareholder of the Company. Accordingly, Hualu Hengsheng, being an associate of HHGC, is a connected person of the Company and the transactions contemplated under the Agreement constitute continuing connected transactions under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. Implications under the Listing RulesIn respect of the proposed annual caps under the Agreement for the three years ending 31 December 2015, as one or more of the applicable percentage ratios (as defined in the Listing Rules) exceed 5% and the annual consideration exceeds HK$10,000,000, the continuing connected transactions contemplated under the Agreement constitute non-exempt continuing connected transactions and are subject to the reporting and announcement requirements under rules 14A.45 to 14A.47 of the Listing Rules, the independent shareholders approval requirements under rule 14A.48 of the Listing Rules, the annual review requirements under rules 14A.37 to 14A.40 of the Listing Rules and the requirements set out in 14A.35(1) and 14A.35(2) of the Listing Rules. Information about the Company and Hualu HengshengThe Company is mainly engaged in the development, manufacture and sales of bulk pharmaceuticals, preparations and chemicals products.Hualu Hengsheng is principally engaged in the production and sale of chemical products. Independent Shareholders approvalThe EGM will be convened and held to seek approval from the Independent Shareholders in relation to the continuing connected transactions and the proposed annual caps under the Agreement. SXPGC and its associates will be required to abstain from voting at the EGM. An Independent Board Committee has been established to advise the Independent Shareholders on the terms of and the proposed annual caps under the Agreement. The Company has appointed Veda Capital Limited as its independent financial adviser to advise the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders on the terms of and the proposed annual caps for the Agreement. A circular containing, among other things, (i) details of the Agreement and the proposed annual caps; (ii) a letter from the Independent Board Committee to the Independent Shareholders; and (iii) recommendations of the independent financial adviser will be dispatched to the Shareholders on or before 22 July 2013. DEFINITIONSIn this announcement, the following expressions have the meanings set out below unless the context requires otherwise:Agreementmeans the Chemical Product Supply Agreement entered into between the Company and Hualu Hengsheng on 28 June 2013 commencing from the date when approval thereof has been obtained both at the EGM and at Hualu Hengshengs board meeting (or shareholders meeting) and ending on 31 December 2015;Boardmeans the board of Directors of the Company;Company means q\qge兡N gPlQS (Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited), a joint stock company incorporated in the PRC with limited liability; Directors means the directors of the Company; EGM means the extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be held on 16 August 2013 for the purpose of approving the continuing connected transactions and the proposed annual caps under the Agreement; Group means the Company and/or its subsidiaries; HHGC means ocƖW gPlQS (Hualu Holdings Group Company Limited), a wholly state-owned company, the controlling shareholder of SXPGC and SHHGC; Hualu Hengsheng means q\qgoR`GSS]N gPlQS (Shandong Hualu Hengsheng Chemical Company Limited), a subsidiary of SHHGC; Independent Board Committee means the independent 7z { | }   x 0 2 X Z       Ի~tk^OtItItI h:PJh:5KHPJ\nHtHh:5KHPJnHtHh:5KHPJh:PJnHtHh:CJPJh:6PJ]nHtH h:CJh:nHtH h:6]$jh:6U]mHnHtHuh:KHaJ h:6KHPJ]aJnHtHh:6KH]aJh:6KH]aJnHtHh:jh:UmHnHu { } ~   x 2 X Z W$$7$8$G$H$Ifa$$$7$8$H$Ifa$$$7$8$G$H$Ifa$ $$G$H$Ifa$$G$H$a$G$H$$G$H$a$G$H$ $7$8$G$H$a$Nux K O f g q &?]k,UX"#Scdegu{Eqwh:5KHPJ\h:5PJ\h:B*PJnHphtHh:B*PJphh:KHPJnHtHh:KHPJ h:PJh:PJnHtHEWXjkKL$G$IfVD^ $7$8$H$If$$7$8$H$Ifa$$$1$7$8$H$Ifa$$7$7$8$H$If^7a$$$7$8$G$H$Ifa$$7$7$8$G$H$If^7a$+Mit}<iLy{|5ھh:KHPJnHo(tHh:5KHPJ\h:5KHPJ\nHtHh:5PJ\h:5PJ\nHtHh:PJnHtHh:PJnHtHh:KHPJh:KHPJnHtHh:KHPJ h:PJh:KHPJnHtH0ywhT$77$8$G$H$^7a$$77$8$G$H$^7a$$ & F,7 ^7` a$$VD^`a$ VD^`[kd$$Ifq!!064 qafg $G$H$^a$$ & 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