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A list of candidates to be appointed as directors of the Company shall be submitted to the shareholders at a shareholders general meeting in the form of motion for approval.Candidates for independent directors of the Company shall be nominated by the Company’s shareholders who individually or jointly hold 1% or more of the Company’s voting shares and such candidates shall be considered for election by the shareholders at a shareholders’ general meeting.Candidates other than those nominated as independent directors shall be nominated by the shareholders who individually or jointly hold 5% or more of the Company’s voting shares and shall be considered for election elected by the shareholders at a shareholders’ general meeting.II. Independent directors shall be elected in the following manner:(1) the nominator of a candidate for independent director shall seek the consent of the nominee, review and consider the occupation, academic qualifications, rank and detailed working experience including all part-time jobs of the nominee and shall obtain from the nominee written evidence of the same for the Company’s consideration before making the nomination. The candidate shall provide written confirmation to the Company agreeing to be nominated, and shall provide an undertaking in relation to the truthfulness and completeness of his particulars disclosed and shall guarantee the performance of a director’s duties after being elected.(2) the nominator of an independent director shall give an opinion in respect of the qualifications and independence of the nominee to act as an independent director. The nominee shall make an open announcement as to the absence of any relation between the Company and him or her which would affect his independent and objective judgment.(3) if the nomination of candidates for independent directors is made before the Company’s convening of a board meeting, the written proofs of the nominee referred to in sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) above shall be disclosed together with the board resolution.(4) If the shareholders who individually or jointly hold 1% or more of the Company’s voting shares puts forward a provisional motion in an AGM of the Company for election of independent directors, a written notice stating their intention to nominate a candidate for directors and the nominee’s consent to be nominated together with the written proofs and undertaking of the nominee referred to in sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) above shall be delivered to the Company not less than seven (7) days before the general meeting, and the period granted by the Company for lodging the above notice and documents by the relevant nominator (such period shall commence from the date after the issue of the notice of the general meeting) shall not be less than seven (7) days.(5) Before a shareholders’ general meeting for election of independent directors is convened, the Company shall submit the relevant information of all nominees to the securities regulatory authority. The written opinions of the board of directors shall also be submitted where the Company’s board has any dispute as to the particulars of the nominee and that the nominee may not be included as a candidate for independent directors. When convening a general meeting to elect independent directors, the Company’s board shall specify if the securities regulatory authority has any dispute as to the suitability of candidates for independent directors.III. Non-independent directors shall be elected in the following manner:(1) the nominator of a candidate for non-independent director shall seek the consent of the nominee, review and consider the occupation, academic qualifications, rank and detailed working experience including all part-time jobs of the nominee and provide written proofs of the same to the Company before making the nomination. The candidate shall provide written confirmation to the Company agreeing to be nominated, and shall provide an undertaking in relation to the truthfulness and completeness of his particulars disclosed and guaranteeing the performance of a director’s duties after being elected.(2) If the nomination of candidates for non-independent directors is made before the Company’s convening of a board meeting, the written proofs of the nominee referred to in sub-paragraph (1) above shall be disclosed together with the board resolution.(3) If the shareholders who individually or jointly hold 5% or more of the Company’s voting shares puts forward a provisional motion at an AGM of the Company for election of non-independent directors, a w\^   $ < > @ F Є І я № EH IJ]^ЦыныЯТЗТЇrdrYrdKr@rh†‹CJKHaJo(hЯнh‰Е5CJaJo(h‰ЕCJKHaJo(hрwhж 0CJKHaJo(hрwhж 0CJKHaJhЯнhж 05CJKHaJhЯнhж 05CJKHaJo(h&Evh&EvQJo(h&Evh&EvKHPJnHo(tHhЫGжOJQJ^Jo(hЙAеhIOTOJQJ^Jh&Evh&EvPJnHo(tHhIOThшm5CJKHaJ'hIOThџ`5CJKHPJaJnHtH^ @ І № JЯ"$ЉђьйбИЅЅ”ƒƒƒƒt”-D9DMЦ џѕѕѕgdЁw‘ЄœЄœ7$8$H$XD2YD2gd‰ЕЄœЄœ7$8$H$XD2YD2gdж 0ЄœЄœ1$7$8$H$XD2YD2gdж 0„ЄœЄœ1$7$8$H$WDXD2YD2`„gdж 0$a$gd&Ev$dpўЄxЄx7$8$H$a$gdџ`$dpўЄxЄx7$8$H$a$gdL-c+*P*ўўЦфхцчЈЉЎђ(**+*,*.*/*1*2*4*5*7*8*>*?*@*B*C*I*J*K*L*M*O*P*Q*ѓшкЯТ­Ÿ‹Т‰Т‚zvzvzvzvlflfblflWlfbv‚hЂVЉ0JmHnHuhЂVЉ hЂVЉ0JjhЂVЉ0JUh"oЋjh"oЋU hж 0h.qђU'hЯнhж 05B*CJKH]aJph# hЯнh†‹5CJaJo()hЁw‘hж 0B*CJKHOJQJ^Jphˆˆˆhрwhж 0CJKHaJhщ)#CJKHaJo(hЁw‘hЁw‘CJKHaJo(hЂVЉCJKHaJo(hЁw‘hЁw‘CJKHaJ"ђOL**+*-*.*0*1*3*4*6*7*@*A*B*M*N*O*P*Q*юююоммммммммаЮмаЮммо „ќџ„&`#$gd!|mdpўЄxЄx7$8$H$gdж 0ЄœЄœ7$8$H$XD2YD2gd†‹ritten notice stating their intention to nominate a candidate for directors and the nominee’s consent to be nominated together with the written proofs and undertaking of the nominee referred to in sub-paragraph (1) above shall be delivered to the Company not less than seven (7) days before the general meeting, and the period granted by the Company for lodging the above notice and documents by the relevant nominator (such period shall commence from the date after the issue of the notice of the general meeting) shall not be less than seven (7) days.PAGE PAGE 26182P:pFI`А‚. 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