ࡱ> :<9'` RbjbjLULU2$.?.?PPPPPPPdllll4dikkkkkk$hh:9PPPPPiiPP Mul0(P " dddh dddh dddPPPPPP 23/12/2008 CLARIFICATION ANNOUNCEMENT2008-12-24 9:03:06The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited takes no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.Shandong Xinhua PharmaceuticalCompany Limitedq\qge兡N gPlQS(a joint stock limited company established in the People s Republic of China with limited liability)(Stock Code: 0719)CLARIFICATION ANNOUNCEMENTReference is made to the announcement of Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited (the Company) on 22 December 2008 in relation to the appointment of directors and supervisors.The board of directors (the Board) of the Company would like to clarify that Mr. Dai Qingjun, the retiring director of the Company, confirmed that he had no disagreement with the Board.Yours faithfully,By order of the BoardShandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company LimitedGuo QinChairman23 December 2008, Zibo, the PRCAs at the date of this announcement, the Board of Directors comprises: %:;<=>?@BC    B D òÝòÆІІlІT:3h`Ch`C5B*CJ0KH$OJQJ\^JaJ0phOI^/h`Ch`C5B*CJKH$OJQJ\^JphOI^3h`Ch`C6B*CJKHOJQJ]^JaJphOI^-h`Ch`CB*CJKHOJQJ^JaJphOI^)jh`Ch`CCJKHOJQJU^J h`Ch`CCJKHOJQJ^Jh`Ch`CCJKHaJ-h`Ch`CB*CJKHOJQJ^JaJphOI^/h`Ch`C5B*CJKHOJQJ\^JphOI^&:;<=?~;~Bkdl$$IfTf 634aytn'T$$1$Ifa$gd`CKkd$IfK$L$0f 634a$d,$1$4$Ifa$gd`CK$$d,$1$4$Ifa$gd`CK$?@BC sZHH$d,$1$4$Ifa$gd`C$d,dd$1$4$If[$\$a$gd`C8kd$IfK$L$f 634a$$1$Ifa$gd`CK$Dkdq$$IfT,f 634aytn'T   D H ] _ !#5Kz$$1$Ifa$gd`C$$1$Ifa$gd`CK$$d,$1$4$Ifa$gd`C$d,dd$1$4$@&If[$\$a$gd`C$d,$1$4$Ifa$gd`CD H \ _ !#45JKyz+,:;KLpqtrtUh`Ch`CCJKHaJ*h`Ch`C6CJKHOJQJ]^JaJ*h`Ch`C5CJKHOJQJ\^JaJ$h`Ch`CCJKHOJQJ^JaJ h`Ch`CCJKHOJQJ^J-h`Ch`CB*CJKHOJQJ^JaJphOI^-h`Ch`CB*CJKHOJQJ^JaJphOI^,,;Lqv$$1$Ifa$gd`CK$$$1$Ifa$gd`C$d,$1$4$Ifa$gd`CKkd($IfK$L$0f f634a$$1$Ifa$gd`CK$Executive Directors:Ms. Guo Qin (Chairman)Mr. Ren FulongMr. Zhao ZongguoIndependent Non-executive Directors:Mr. Zhu Baoquan Mr. Xu GuojunMr. Sun Minggao Mr. Kwong Chi Kit, VictorNon-executive Director: Mr. Liu Zhenwen Mr. Li Tianzhong $$1$Ifa$gd`CK$Kkd$IfK$L$03f 634a$$1$Ifa$gd`CK$$$1$Ifa$gd`C ϸϴh`C-h`Ch`CB*CJKHOJQJ^JaJphOI^h`Ch`CCJKHaJ$h`Ch`CCJKHOJQJ^JaJ h`Ch`CCJKHOJQJ^J _]Bkd>$$IfTf 634aytn'T$d,$1$4$Ifa$gd`CKkd$IfK$L$03f 634a0182P. A!"#$%S j$IfK$L$!vh55{#v#v{:V 6,5534 [$$If!vh5f #vf :V 6,534 ytn'TDd3\  3 \[S"388_$$If!vh5f #vf :V ,6,534 ytn'TT$IfK$L$!vh5f #vf :V 6,534 d$IfK$L$!vh55#v#v:V 655f34 V$IfK$L$!vh5353#v3:V 6534 V$IfK$L$!vh5353#v3:V 6534 [$$If!vh5f #vf :V 6,534 ytn'TN@N cke $1$a$$CJKHPJ_HaJmH nHsH tH\`\ `Ch 1$dd1$@&[$\$a$5CJ0KH$OJQJ\^JaJ0$A@$ ؞k=W[SOBi@B nfh