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He joined Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Factory in 1986 and has been the deputy director and the director of the office, the deputy head of the office, and the manager of human resource department. Mr. Xu is currently the chairman of the labour union and the secretary to the disciplinary committee of the communist party of Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Group Company Limited, and the chairman of the labour union and the secretary to the disciplinary committee of the communist party of the Company.Save as disclosed above, Mr. Xu :-did not hold any other directorship in any listed companies in the past three years or any positions with the Company or other members of the Group; has no relationship with any directors, senior management or substantial or controlling shareholders of the Company; anddoes not have any interest in the shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap.571, Laws of Hong Kong) at the date hereof.Mr. Xu has not entered into any service contract with the Company. The amount of his emoluments for 2010 is approximately RMB230,000. The emolument of Mr. Xu is determined by reference to his experience and the emoluments of other non-executive directors of the Company. The term of office of Mr. Xu will commence from 25 June 2010 to the expiry of the term of the sixth Board of the Company.Further, there is nothing in respect of Mr. Xu which needs to be disclosed pursuant to Rules 13.51(2)(h) to (v) of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd (the Listing Rules) nor is there anything that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company.The Board takes this opportunity to welcome Mr. Xu to join the Board.Mr. Li Tianzhong, aged 47, is a senior engineer. He graduated from the Shandong Institute of Technology, specialising in industry automation. He joined Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Factory in 1983. Mr. Li has been the engineer and director of the electricity workshop, manager of the trade department, supply and marketing department and drug department of the Company, assistant to the general manager, director and deputy general manager of Xinhua Lukang Pharmaceutical Group Corporation, director and deputy general manager and the chairman of the labour union of Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Group Company Limited, director and the chairman of the labour union of the Company. Mr. Li is currently a director and deputy general manager of Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Group Company Limited.Save as disclosed above, Mr. Li :-did not hold any other directorship in any listed companies in the past three years or any positions with the Company or other members of the Group; has no relationship with any directors, senior management or substantial or controlling shareholders of the Company; anddoes not have any interest in the shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap.571, Laws of Hong Kong) at the date hereof.Mr. Li has not entered into any service contract with the Company. The amount of his emoluments for 2010 is approximately RMB130,000. The emolument of Mr. Li is determined by reference to his experience and the emoluments of other supervisors of the Company. The term of office of Mr. Li will commence from 25 June 2010 to the expiry of the term of the sixth Supervisory Committee of the Company.Further, there is nothing in respect of Mr. Li which needs to be disclosed pursuant to Rules 13.51(2)(h) to (v) of the Listing Rules nor is there anything that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company.The Supervisory Committee takes this opportunity to welcome Mr. Li to join the Supervisory Committee of the Company. By Order of the Board Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited Guo Qin Chairman25 June 2010, Zibo, PRCAs at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises: Executive Directors:Ms. Guo Qin (Chairman)Mr. Ren FulongMr. Zhao Sq r s  x 0 2 V X IJhO='+hxcB*CJKHOJQJaJmH phsH #hxcB*KHOJQJmH ph# sH 1hxc6B*CJKHOJQJ]aJmH ph# sH @h:d6B*CJKHOJPJQJ]aJmH nHo(ph# sH tH1hxc6B*CJKHOJQJ]aJmH ph# sH  hxcKHhxc5PJ\o(#hxc5PJ\mH nHo(sH tH+jhxc5PJU\mHnHo(tHuhxcKHaJhxc6KH](jhxc6KHU]aJmHnHur t u v  x 2 X Z $$7$8$G$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$a$ $3$a$ $7$8$H$a$N ؝1$3$N ؝1$3$G$ $7$8$G$H$a$444X Z     V )+3567;ADHʶʶʶʶʶʩsscMs+h^#hxcKHPJaJmH nHo(sH tHh^#hxcKHaJmH o(sH (h^#hxcKHPJaJmH nHsH tH"h^#hxc5KH\aJmH sH h^#hxcKHaJmH sH h^#hxcKHmH sH 'h^#hxcKHPJmH nHo(sH tHh^#hxcKHmH o(sH hxcKHOJQJmH sH hxc;PJnHo(tH hxc;o( hxco( !"ET $ & F7$8$H$a$ $7$8$H$a$ $7$8$G$H$a$[kd$$If5$$064 aHJ3Qab,-?AUX^a ıٟpcpppppph^#hxcKHmH sH +h^#hxcKHPJaJmH nHo(sH tH1h^#hxc5KHPJ\aJmH nHo(sH tH"h^#hxc5KH\aJmH sH $h^#hxcKHPJmH nHsH tH(h^#hxcKHPJaJmH nHsH tHh^#hxcKHaJmH sH .h^#hxc5KHPJ\aJmH nHsH tH& km.0DFNPTV\]jkluvSTvw89WYmpvy "ƭh^#hxcKHaJmH o(sH 1h^#hxc5KHPJ\aJmH nHo(sH tH(h^#hxcKHPJaJmH nHsH tH+h^#hxcKHPJaJmH nHo(sH tHh^#hxcKHaJmH sH >9:]l  "R[e}~$3$G$a$~!Z$6%3$G$ $3$G$a$ $7$8$G$H$a$ $ & F7$8$H$a$ $7$8$H$a$:<PRZ\`"*/0   "#Z[\egoq~۹m)h^#hxcB*OJPJaJnHphtHh^#hxcPJnHo(tHh^#hxc6h^#hxc\h^#hxc5\h^#hxc5 h^#hxch^#hxcKHmH sH (h^#hxcKHPJaJmH nHsH tH+h^#hxcKHPJaJmH nHo(sH tHh^#hxcKHaJmH sH *~4,4<4L4f4g4h444444Gkd$$If0!64 a $7$8$H$If$a$44444444444444444444444444444444ƾhxcCJo(h:d0JmHnHuhxc hxc0Jjhxc0JUh[jh[Uh^#hxcKHaJUh^#hxcKHPJnHo(tHh^#hxcKH%h^#hxcB*CJOJPJaJph#ongguoIndependent Non-executive Directors:Mr. Zhu BaoquanMr. Sun MinggaoMr. Kwong Chi Kit, VictorNon-executive Directors: Mr. Liu Zhenwen Mr. Zhao BinMr. Xu LiePAGE PAGE 14444444444444444444&`#$ $7$8$H$a$Gkd$$If0!64 a444444444444444444444444 $7$8$H$a$8&P 1h2PP. 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