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On 8 October 2015, each of SJY Industrial Fund LLP, SKS Assets Management Limited, BXC Assets Management Limited, CBR Investment Fund Management Limited and Employee Stock Ownership Scheme entered into the respective subscription agreement with the Company to subscribe for a total of up to 77,000,000 new A Shares at the Subscription Price of RMB9.36 per new A Share, representing a maximum amount of gross proceeds of approximately RMB 721 million. The A Shares to be issued are subject to a lock-up period of 36 months from the date of completion of the Proposed Placing.PROPOSED IMPLEMENTATION OF EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP SCHEME (INCLUDING PARTICIPATIONS IN THE SCHEME BY CONNECTED PARTICIPANTS)In order to (i) further improve the Company’s governance structure and establish a sound and comprehensive incentive mechanism for employees, (ii) motivate employees, stabilise the management and key personnel team of the Company and (iii) improve the Company’s shareholding structure and promote the sustained and healthy development of the Group, the Board approved the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme on 8 October 2015. The target participants of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme are eligible employees of the Group as at 24 July 2015, including Directors (excluding independent non-executive Directors), supervisors, senior management and other employees of the Group. The total size of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will be no more than the maximum number of A Shares to be subscribed for under the Employee Scheme Subscription, being 3,744,400 A Shares and no more than the maximum subscription amount of approximately RMB 35 million under the Employee Scheme Subscription.On 8 October 2015, the Company also entered into the Intended Participant Subscription Agreements with each of the Intended Participants in respect of the proposed Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, pursuant to which, among other things, each Intended Participant will pay Earnest Money to the Company. In the event that the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is implemented, the Earnest Money will be applied as part of the payment for the subscription of Intended Subscription Interests by the Intended Participants under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme. If the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is not implemented, the Company will refund the Earnest Money to the relevant Intended Participants (with or without interest accrued, depending on the circumstances leading to any such non-implementation of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme).Shareholders and potential investors should note that the Proposed Placing, the proposed Employee Stock Ownership Scheme and the matters in connection therewith may or may not proceed. Accordingly, shareholders and potential investors are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the Shares.PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF THE COMPANYIn order to comply with the applicable laws and regulations of the PRC with regard to the Proposed Placing, the Company proposes to amend its articles of association to reflect changes in, among other things, the rules for general meetings and distribution of the Company.GENERALAs some Intended Participants are Directors and supervisors of the Company and are therefore connected persons of the Company under the Hong Kong Listing Rules, the participation in the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme by each such connected person will constitute a connected transaction of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules and is subject to announcement, shareholders’ approval and reporting requirements under Chapter 14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules. Further, the participation by each connected person in the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will require the approval of the Independent Shareholders at the EGM to consider and, if thought fit, to approve, among other things, each such Connected Person Participation and the transactions contemplated thereunder. Any Shareholders who are interested in or involved in the Connected Person Participations will abstain from voting at the EGM for the relevant resolutions. The Independent Board Committee, comprising all the independent non-executive Directors, has been formed to advise the Independent Shareholders on the fairness and reasonableness of the Connected Person Participations and whether the Connected Person Participations are in the interests of the Company and its Shareholders as a whole. In this connection, the Company will appoint an Independent Financial Adviser to advise the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders.The EGM, A Share Class Meeting and H Share Class Meeting will be convened and held for the(i) the Proposed Placing, (ii) the proposed implementation of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme and the relevant Connected Person Participations; and (iii) the proposed amendment to the articles of association of the Company. The notice convening the EGM, A Share Class Meeting and H Share Class Meeting and forms of proxy will be despatched to the Shareholders upon the EGM date being scheduled. A circular containing, among other things, (i) further information on the Proposed Placing; (ii) further information on the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme and the relevant Connected Person Participations; (iii) the recommendation of the Independent Board Committee; and (iv) a letter from the Independent Financial Adviser containing their advice to the Independent Board Committee will be despatched to the Shareholders as soon as practicable.RESUMPTION OF TRADINGTrading in the H Shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange has been suspended with effect from 9:00 a.m. on 24 July 2015, pending the release of this announcement by the Company. An application has been made to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange for the resumption of trading in the H Shares of the Company with effect from 9:00 a.m. on 9 October 2015. At the request of the Company, trading in the A Shares of the Company will resume from the opening session on 9 October 2015 on the SZSE. PROPOSED ISSUE AND PLACING OF NEW A SHARESThe Board is pleased to announce that on 8 October 2015, the Board approved the Proposed Placing, details of which are as follows:Details of the Proposed PlacingClass and par value of Shares to be issued:New A Shares with a par value of RMB1.00 eachMethod and time of the Proposed Placing:The Proposed Placing will be carried out by way of non-public issue of new A Shares to the Subscribers. The Company will complete the Proposed Placing within six (6) months from obtaining the endorsement for the Proposed Placing from the CSRC.Number of Shares to be issued:Subject to any adjustment which may be made by the CSRC, the maximum number of A Shares to be issued under the Proposed Placing will not be more than 77,000,000 new A Shares, which represents (i) approximately 25.06% of the existing issued A Shares and approximately 16.84% of the existing total issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this announcement; and (ii) approximately 20.04% of the enlarged issued A Shares and approximately 14.41% of the enlarged total issued share capital of the Company upon completion of the Proposed Placing. The aggregate nominal value of the A Shares to be issued under the Proposed Placing, with a par value of RMB1.00 each, will be no more than RMB 77,000,000.Upon completion of the Proposed Placing and if the maximum of 77,000,000 new A Shares are placed, the total number of A Shares in issue will be increased from 307,312,830 A Shares to 384,312,830 A Shares and the total issued share capital of the Company will be increased from 457,312,830 Shares to 534,312,830 Shares.Target Subscribers:Pursuant to the Proposed Placing and subject to the Share Adjustment, the Company will issue new A Shares for subscription to five subscribers in total, being (i) SJY Industrial Fund LLP, (ii) SKS Fund, (iii) BXC Fund, (iv) CBR Fund and (v) Employee Stock Ownership Scheme. On 8 October 2015, each of SJY Industrial Fund LLP, SKS Assets Management Limited, BXC Assets Management Limited, CBR Investment Fund Management Limited and Employee Stock Ownership Scheme have entered into the Subscription Agreement with the Company to subscribe for a total of up to 77,000,000 new A Shares at the Subscription Price of RMB 9.36 per new A Share, representing total gross proceeds of approximately RMB 721 million.Method of subscription and placing:All the Subscribers will subscribe for new A Shares to be issued under the Proposed Placing in cash. The Subscription Price for all new A Shares to be issued will be the same.Price Determination Date:9 October 2015, being the date of the announcement of the Board resolution made by the Company in relation to the Proposed Placing on the SZSE and the date on which the Subscription Price was fixed.Subscription Price and pricing principles:Subject to the Price Adjustment, the Subscription Price is RMB 9.36 per new A Share, which is not lower than 90% of the average trading price per A Share during the 20 trading days prior to the Price Determination Date. The Subscription Price represents (i) a discount of approximately 77.16% to the closing price of RMB 12.13 per A Share as at 23 July 2015, being the last trading day immediately before the date of this announcement and the date of the Subscription Agreements; and (ii) a discount of approximately 83.57% to the average closing price of RMB 11.20 per A Share for the last five trading days up to and including 23 July 2015. The Subscription Price was determined through arm’s length negotiation between the Company and each of SJY Industrial Fund LLP, SKS Assets Management Limited, BXC Assets Management Limited, CBR Investment Fund Management Limited and Employee Stock Ownership Scheme with reference to the trading prices of the A Shares on the SZSE.If there is any ex-right event (such as declaration of dividend, bonus issue or capitalization of capital reserves) to the Company between the Price Determination Date and the date of issue of A Shares under the Proposed Placing, the Subscription Price and the number of new A Shares to be issued by the Company under the Proposed Placing will be adjusted in accordance with the relevant regulations relating to the Price Adjustment and Share Adjustment respectively.Lock-up period:Under the Proposed Placing, all the Subscribers will not transfer the A Shares subscribed within 36 months from the date of completion of the Proposed Placing.Place of listing:The new A Shares to be issued under the Proposed Placing will be listed on the SZSE. The Company will apply to the SZSE for the listing of, and permission to deal in, the new A Shares.Use of proceeds:If the maximum of 77,000,000 new A Shares are placed, the Proposed Placing will raise gross proceeds of approximately RMB 721 million. The net proceeds from the Proposed Placing, after deducting all related expenses incurred, will be used to repay the bank borrowing and for general working capital purposes, further details of which are set out in the section headed “Reasons for the Proposed Placing and the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme” in this announcement below.Arrangements for theaccumulated undistributed profits:Upon completion of the Proposed Placing, the accumulated retained earnings prior to the completion of the Proposed Placing will be shared among the existing Shareholders and holders of the new A SharesEffective period of theShareholders’ resolutions:The effective period of the Shareholders’ resolutions in relation to the Proposed Placing will be 12 months starting from the date on which the resolutions are approved by the Shareholders at the EGM, the A Share Class Meeting and the H Share Class Meeting.Conditions precedent of the Proposed PlacingThe Subscription Agreements entered into by the Company in respect of the Proposed Placing are subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions including, among other things:the passing of relevant resolutions in respect of the Proposed Placing by the Board;the obtaining of approvals from the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Shandong Provincial People’s Government regarding the Proposed Placing;the passing of all relevant resolutions in respect of the Proposed Placing (including the entering into the Subscription Agreements) by the Shareholders at the EGM, the A Share Shareholders at the A Share Class Meeting and the H Share Shareholders at the H Share Class Meeting respectively; andthe obtaining of approval from the CSRC regarding the Proposed Placing.Please refer to Appendix I to this announcement for the full text of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme (Draft) (by way of subscribing A shares in private placement).Rights of the new A SharesThe new A Shares to be issued pursuant to the Proposed Placing, when fully paid up and issued, will rank pari passu in all respects amongst themselves and with the A Shares in issue at the time of issue and allotment of such new A Shares.Authorization to the Board in connection with the Proposed PlacingTo ensure a smooth implementation of the Proposed Placing, a Shareholders’ resolution will be proposed at the EGM, the A Share Class Meeting and the H Share Class Meeting to authorise the Board to exercise the full power to handle matters relating to the Proposed Placing. PROPOSED SUBSCRIPTION OF NEW A SHARESAs part of the Proposed Placing, the Company has entered into a subscription agreement with each of SJY Industrial Fund LLP, SKS Assets Management Limited, BXC Assets Management Limited, CBR Investment Fund Management Limited and Employee Stock Ownership Scheme. Completion of each of the Subscription Agreements is not conditional on the completion of any other Subscription AgreementProposed Employee Scheme SubscriptionOn 8 October 2015, the Company entered into the Employee Scheme Subscription Agreement with the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme. Pursuant to the Employee Scheme Subscription Agreement, the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme has agreed to subscribe for a maximum of 3,744,400 new A Shares for a maximum subscription amount of approximately RMB 35 million. Major terms of the Employee Scheme Subscription Agreement are set out below.Major terms of the Employee Scheme Subscription AgreementDate:8 October 2015 Parties:(i) the Company as the issuer; and(ii) the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme as the subscriber.Subscription Shares:Subject to the Share Adjustment, a maximum of 3,744,400 A Shares, representing (i) approximately 1.22% of the existing issued A Shares and approximately 0.82% of the existing issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this announcement; and (ii) approximately 0.97% of the enlarged issued A Shares and approximately 0.70% of the enlarged issued share capital of the Company upon completion of the Proposed Placing.Subscription Price:Subject to the Price Adjustment, RMB 9.36 per A Share with a maximum subscription amount of approximately RMB 35 million payable by the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme to the Company in cash.Lock-up restrictions:The Employee Stock Ownership Scheme may not transfer or otherwise dispose of the new A Shares subscribed during the period commencing from the completion of its subscription and ending on the date which is 36 months from the time of such completion.Conditions precedent:Details of which are set out in the section headed “Conditions precedent of the Proposed Placing” in this announcement above.Payment and completion:Subject to the satisfaction of the conditions precedent, payment of the subscription amounts will be made in cash by the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme on the date to be determined by the Company and its advisers pursuant to the relevant PRC laws and regulations.The Company will appoint a certified registered accountant in the PRC to verify the payment made by the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme for the Employee Scheme Subscription and issue relevant verification report; the Company will also apply in writing to register the A Shares subscribed by the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme with the securities and depository and clearing institution as soon as practicable. In the event that the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme fails to make payment of its subscription amount, the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will be liable to compensate for the loss suffered by the Company.Information on the Employee Stock Ownership SchemeThe Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will be managed by the Company. The Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will also form a management committee at the first participant meeting.Details of the management of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme are set out in the section headed “Management of the Employment Stock Ownership Scheme” of this announcement below.Implications under the Hong Kong Listing RulesAs some Intended Participants are Directors and supervisors of the Company and are therefore connected persons of the Company under the Hong Kong Listing Rules, the participations in the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme by such connected persons will constitute connected transactions of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules and are subject to the approval of the Independent Shareholders under the Hong Kong Listing Rules. Details of the implication of Connected Person Participations in the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme are set out in the section headed “Implications of the Connected Person Participations under the Hong Kong Listing Rules” below in this announcement.Directors’ confirmationTo the best knowledge and belief of the Directors, having made all reasonable enquires, all the Intended Participants (other than the Connected Participants) and their ultimate beneficial owners are independent third parties of the Group and its connected persons. Accordingly, the entering into of the Employee Scheme Subscription Agreements by such Intended Participants (other than the Connected Participants) do not constitute connected transactions of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules.Proposed SJY Industrial Fund LLP SubscriptionOn 8 October 2015, the Company entered into the SJY Industrial Fund LLP Subscription Agreement with SJY Industrial Fund LLP. Pursuant to the SJY Industrial Fund LLP Subscription Agreement, SJY Industrial Fund LLP has agreed to subscribe for a maximum of 21,360,000 new A Shares for a maximum subscription amount of approximately RMB 200 million. Major terms of the SJY Industrial Fund LLP Subscription Agreement are set out below.Major terms of the SJY Industrial Fund LLP Subscription AgreementDate:8 October 2015 Parties:(i) the Company as the issuer; and(ii) SJY Industrial Fund LLP as the subscriberSubscription Shares:Subject to the Share Adjustment, a maximum of 21,360,000 A Shares, representing (i) approximately 6.95% of the existing issued A Shares and approximately 4.67% of the existing total issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this announcement; and (ii) approximately 5.56% of the enlarged issued A Shares and approximately 4.00% of the enlarged total issued share capital of the Company upon completion of the Proposed Placing.Subscription Price:Subject to the Price Adjustment, RMB 9.36 per A Share with a maximum subscription amount of approximately RMB 200 million payable by SJY Industrial Fund LLP to the Company in cash.Lock-up undertaking:SJY Industrial Fund LLP undertakes not to transfer or otherwise dispose of the new A Shares subscribed during the period commencing from the completion of its subscription and ending on the date which is 36 months from the time of such completion.Conditions precedent:Details of which are set out in the section headed “Conditions precedent of the Proposed Placing” in this announcement above.Payment and completion:Subject to the satisfaction of the conditions precedent, payment of the subscription amounts will be made in cash by SJY Industrial Fund LLP on the date to be determined by the Company and its advisers pursuant to the relevant PRC laws and regulations.The Company will appoint a certified registered accountant in the PRC to verify the payment made by SJY Industrial Fund LLP and issue relevant verification report; the Company will also apply in writing to register the A Shares subscribed by a proposed fund under the management and control of SJY Industrial Fund LLP with the securities and depository and clearing institution as soon as practicable.In the event that SJY Industrial Fund LLP fails to make payment of its subscription amount, SJY Industrial Fund LLP shall be liable to pay the Company 10% of the total subscription amounts as liquidated damages.Information on SJY Industrial Fund LLPSJY Industrial Fund LLP is a limited partnership established in the PRC, ultimately owned as to 50% by State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Shandong Provincial People’s Government and 50% by the China Cinda Asset Management Company Limited. It is principally engaged in private equity investment, foreign investment and management, enterprise management, investment and financial advisory services.Implications under the Hong Kong Listing RulesTo the best of the knowledge and belief of the Directors, having made all reasonable enquires, SJY Industrial Fund LLP and its ultimate beneficial owners are independent third parties of the Group and its connected persons. Accordingly, the entering into the SJY Industrial Fund LLP Subscription Agreement is not a connected transaction of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules.Directors’ confirmationThe Directors are of the view that the terms of the SJY Industrial Fund LLP Subscription Agreement are fair, reasonable and on normal commercial terms after taking into account the current market conditions and are in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole. Proposed SKS Fund SubscriptionOn 8 October 2015, the Company entered into the SKS Assets Management Limited Subscription Agreement with SKS Assets Management Limited. Pursuant to the SKS Assets Management Limited Subscription Agreement, SKS Assets Management Limited has agreed to procure SKS Fund to subscribe for a maximum of 10,000,000 new A Shares for a maximum subscription amount of approximately RMB 94 million. Major terms of the SKS Assets Management Limited Subscription Agreement are set out below.Major terms of the SKS Assets Management Limited Subscription AgreementDate:8 October 2015Parties:(i) the Company as the issuer; and(ii) SKS Assets Management Limited (who will procure SKS Fund to be the subscriber)Subscription Shares:Subject to the Share Adjustment, a maximum of 10,000,000 A Shares, representing (i) approximately 3.25% of the existing issued A Shares and approximately 2.19% of the existing total issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this announcement; and (ii) approximately 2.60% of the enlarged issued A Shares and approximately 1.87% of the enlarged total issued share capital of the Company upon completion of the Proposed Placing.Subscription Price:Subject to the Price Adjustment, RMB 9.36 per A Share with a maximum subscription amount of approximately RMB 94 million payable by SKS Fund to the Company in cash.Lock-up undertaking:SKS Fund will undertake not to transfer or otherwise dispose of the new A Shares subscribed during the period commencing from the completion of its subscription and ending on the date which is 36 months from the time of such completion.Conditions precedent:Details of which are set out in the section headed “Conditions precedent of the Proposed Placing” in this announcement above.Payment and completion:Subject to the satisfaction of the conditions precedent, payment of the subscription amounts will be made in cash by SKS Fund on the date to be determined by the Company and its advisers pursuant to the relevant PRC laws and regulations. The Company will appoint a certified registered accountant in the PRC to verify the payment made by SKS Fund and issue the relevant verification report; the Company will also apply in writing to register the A Shares subscribed for by SKS Fund with the relevant PRC securities and depository and clearing institution as soon as practicable. In the event that SKS Fund fails to make payment of its subscription amount, SKS Assets Management Limited will be liable to pay the Company 10% of the total subscription amounts as liquidated damages.Information on SKS Assets Management LimitedSKS Assets Management Limited is a limited liability company established in the PRC, owned as to 51% by Wang Xu Hua and 49% by Zhu Gui Qin. It is principally engaged in assets management, investment management, investment advisory, and business consultation services.Information on SKS FundAccording to the terms of the SKS Assets Management Limited Subscription Agreement, SKS Fund is a fund to be established and managed by the SKS Assets Management Limited. According to the SKS Assets Management Limited Subscription Agreement, SKS Fund will be established prior to the Company’s application to the CSRC for its approval in respect of the Proposed Placing.Implications under the Hong Kong Listing RulesTo the best of the knowledge and belief of the Directors, having made all reasonable enquires, SKS Assets Management Limited (including its ultimate beneficial owners) and, based on the representations of SKS Assets Management Limited, the intended ultimate beneficial owners of SKS Fund are independent third parties of the Group and its connected persons. Accordingly, the entering into of the SKS Assets Management Limited Subscription Agreement constitutes a connected transaction of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules.Directors’ confirmationThe Directors are of the view that the terms of the SKS Assets Management Limited Subscription Agreement are fair, reasonable and on normal commercial terms after taking into account the current market conditions and are in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole. Proposed BXC Fund SubscriptionOn 8 October 2015, the Company entered into the BXC Assets Management Limited Subscription Agreement with BXC Assets Management Limited. Pursuant to the BXC Assets Management Limited Subscription Agreement, BXC Assets Management Limited has agreed to procure BXC Fund to subscribe for a maximum of 21,360,000 new A Shares for a maximum subscription amount of approximately RMB 200 million. Major terms of the BXC Assets Management Limited Subscription Agreement are set out below.Major terms of the BXC Assets Management Limited Subscription AgreementDate:8 October 2015Parties:(i) the Company as the issuer; and(ii) BXC Assets Management Limited (who will procure BXC Fund to be the subscriber)Subscription Shares:Subject to the Share Adjustment, a maximum of 21,360,000 A Shares, representing (i) approximately 6.95% of the existing issued A Shares and approximately 4.67% of the existing total issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this announcement; and (ii) approximately 5.56% of the enlarged issued A Shares and approximately 4.00% of the enlarged total issued share capital of the Company upon completion of the Proposed Placing.Subscription Price:Subject to the Price Adjustment, RMB 9.36 per A Share with a maximum subscription amount of approximately RMB 200 million payable by BXC Fund to the Company in cash.Lock-up undertaking:BXC Fund will undertake not to transfer or otherwise dispose of the new A Shares subscribed during the period commencing from the completion of its subscription and ending on the date which is 36 months from the time of such completion.Conditions precedent:Details of which are set out in the section headed “Conditions precedent of the Proposed Placing” in this announcement above.Payment and completion:Subject to the satisfaction of the conditions precedent, payment of the subscription amounts will be made in cash by BXC Fund on the date to be determined by the Company and its advisers pursuant to the relevant PRC laws and regulations. The Company will appoint a certified registered accountant in the PRC to verify the payment made by BXC Fund and issue the relevant verification report; the Company will also apply in writing to register the A Shares subscribed by BXC Fund with the relevant PRC securities and depository and clearing institution as soon as practicable. In the event that BXC Fund fails to make payment of its subscription amount, BXC Assets Management Limited will be liable to pay the Company 10% of the total subscription amounts as liquidated damages.Information on BXC Assets Management LimitedBXC Assets Management Limited is a limited liability company established in the PRC, owned as to 80% by Hu Hong Guo and 20% by Liu Fang Jun. It is principally engaged in investment in PRC and non-PRC securities and assets management. Information on BXC FundAccording to the terms of the BXC Assets Management Limited Subscription Agreement, BXC Fund is a fund to be established and managed by the BXC Assets Management Limited. According to the BXC Assets Management Limited Subscription Agreement, BXC Fund will be established prior to the Company’s application to the CSRC for its approval in respect of the Proposed Placing.Implications under the Hong Kong Listing RulesTo the best of the knowledge and belief of the Directors, having made all reasonable enquires, BXC Assets Management Limited (including its ultimate beneficial owners) and, based on the representations of BXC Assets Management Limited, the intended ultimate beneficial owners of BXC Fund are independent third parties of the Group and its connected persons. Accordingly, the entering into of the SKS Assets Management Limited Subscription Agreement does not constitute a connected transaction of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules.Directors’ confirmationThe Directors are of the view that the terms of the BXC Assets Management Limited Subscription Agreement are fair, reasonable and on normal commercial terms after taking into account the current market conditions and are in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole. Proposed CBR Fund SubscriptionOn 8 October 2015, the Company entered into the CBR Investment Fund Management Limited Subscription Agreement with CBR Investment Fund Management Limited. Pursuant to the CBR Investment Fund Management Limited Subscription Agreement, CBR Investment Fund Management Limited has agreed to procure CBR Fund to subscribe for a maximum of 20,535,600 new A Shares for a maximum subscription amount of approximately RMB 192 million. Major terms of the CBR Investment Fund Management Limited Subscription Agreement are set out below.Major terms of the CBR Investment Fund Management Limited Subscription AgreementDate:8 October 2015Parties:(i) the Company as the issuer; and(ii) CBR Investment Fund Management Limited (who will procure CBR Fund to be the subscriber)Subscription Shares:Subject to the Share Adjustment, a maximum of 20,535,600 A Shares, representing (i) approximately 6.68% of the existing issued A Shares and approximately 4.49% of the existing total issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this announcement; and (ii) approximately 5.34% of the enlarged issued A Shares and approximately 3.84% of the enlarged total issued share capital of the Company upon completion of the Proposed Placing.Subscription Price:Subject to the Price Adjustment, RMB 9.36 per A Share with a maximum subscription amount of approximately RMB 192 million is payable by CBR Fund to the Company in cash.Lock-up undertaking:CBR Fund will undertake not to transfer or otherwise dispose of the new A Shares subscribed during the period commencing from the completion of its subscription and ending on the date which is 36 months from the time of such completion.Conditions precedent:Details are set out in the section headed “Conditions precedent of the Proposed Placing” in this announcement above.Payment and completion:Subject to the satisfaction of the conditions precedent, payment of the subscription amounts will be made in cash by SKS Fund on the date to be determined by the Company and its advisers pursuant to the relevant PRC laws and regulations. The Company will appoint a certified registered accountant in the PRC to verify the payment made by CBR Fund and issue the relevant verification report; the Company will also apply in writing to register the A Shares subscribed by CBR Fund with the relevant PRC securities and depository and clearing institution as soon as practicable. In the event that SKS Fund fails to make payment of its subscription amount, SKS Assets Management Limited shall be liable to pay the Company 10% of the total subscription amounts as liquidated damages.Information on CBR Investment Fund Management LimitedCBR Investment Management Limited is a limited liability company established in the PRC, owned as to 70% by Liao Hou You and 30% by Wei Ti Jun. It is principally engaged in equity investment management and advisory, asset restructuring, corporate advisory, business planning and financial advisory services. Information on CBR FundAccording to the terms of the CBR Investment Fund Management Limited Subscription Agreement, CBR Fund is a fund to be established and managed by SKS Assets Management Limited. According to the CBR Investment Fund Management Limited Subscription Agreement, CBR Fund will be established prior to the Company’s application to the CSRC for its approval in respect of the Proposed Placing.Implications under the Hong Kong Listing RulesTo the best of the knowledge and belief of the Directors, having made all reasonable enquires, SKS Assets Management Limited (including its ultimate beneficial owners) and, based on the representations of CBR Investment Fund Management Limited, the intended ultimate beneficial owners of CBR Fund are independent third parties of the Group and its connected persons. Accordingly, the entering into the SKS Assets Management Limited Subscription Agreement does not constitute a connected transaction of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules.Directors’ confirmationThe Directors are of the view that the terms of the Management Limited Subscription Agreement are fair, reasonable and on normal commercial terms after taking into account of the current market conditions and are in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole. PROPOSED IMPLEMENTATION OF EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP SCHEME (INCLUDING PARTICIPATIONS IN THE SCHEME BY CONNECTED PARTICIPANTS)In order to (i) further improve the Company’s governance structure and establish a sound and comprehensive incentive mechanism for employees, (ii) motivate employees, stabilise the management and key personnel team of the Company and (iii) improve the Company shareholding structure and promote sustained and healthy development of the Group, the Board approved the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme on 8 October 2015. Details of the Employee Stock Ownership SchemeTarget participants:The target participants of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme are the eligible employees of the Group as at 24 July 2015, there are 4,528 employees including Directors (excluding independent non-executive Directors), supervisors, senior management and other employees of the Group. Investment in new A Shares through the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will be made in cash. The subscription amount will be determined by the actual contributions by employees.Total size:No more than the maximum number of A Shares subscribed for and the maximum subscription amount under the Employee Scheme Subscription, being 3,744,000 A Shares and approximately RMB 35 million.Source of funds:Funds of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will be derived from the legitimate salary of the target participants as well as funds raised through other legal means.Class and par value of Shares to be subscribed:New A Shares with a par value of RMB 1.00 each. In any event, the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will not in aggregate be entitled to more than 10% of the issued share capital of the Company at any time; and individual participating employees will not be entitled to any such share entitlement in the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme that is equivalent to more than 1% of the issued share capital of the Company at any time.Method and date of issue:The new A Shares to be issued under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will be carried out by way of non-public issue of new A Shares simultaneously with the Proposed Placing within six (6) months from obtaining the endorsement for the Proposed Placing from the CSRC.Lock-up period:36 months from the date when the Company announces that such new A Shares are registered under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme.Dealing restrictionsThe Employee Stock Ownership Scheme may not dispose of the new A Shares during the following periods:60 days prior to the convening of the Board meeting at which the Company’s annual report is to be considered up to the publication date of the annual report; 1 month prior to the convening of the Board meeting at which the Company’s quarterly or interim report is to considered up to the publication date of the relevant quarterly or interim report; 10 days prior to the release of the Company’s results announcement; andfrom the date the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is aware of a material event that may produce a significant impact on the Company’s share price up to two trading days after the disclosure of such material event according to applicable rules and regulations.Trading moratorium:The holding period of the new A Shares under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will be 54 months from the date when the Company announces that such new A Shares are registered under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme; and may be extended when the Board and the members of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Management Committee agree to do so.Shareholders’ right:During the holding period of the new A Shares under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Management Committee will exercise all the rights attaching to or arising from any A Shares (including voting rights) which it may hold as a shareholder on behalf of the Intended Participants.Conditions precedent of the Employee Stock Ownership SchemeThe Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is subject to, among other things, the passing of all relevant resolution(s) in respect of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme by the Shareholders at the EGM, and as the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme forms part of the Proposed Placing, the Company will not proceed with the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme if the conditions precedent of the Proposed Placing (details of which are set out in the section headed “Conditions Precedent of the Proposed Placing” in this announcement above) are not fulfilled.Authorisation to the Board in connection with the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme To ensure a smooth implementation of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, a Shareholders’ resolution will be proposed at the EGM to authorise the Board to exercise the full power to handle matters relating to the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme.Further Information about the Employee Stock Ownership SchemeMethod of subscriptionThe Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is based on the principles of “legal compliance, voluntary participation and voluntary risk bearing” where the Intended Participants will assume responsibilities for their profits and losses at their own risk. The A Shares to be issued and subscribed by the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will be subscribed for in cash. Funds of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will be derived from the legitimate salaries of the target participants as well as funds raised through other legal means.Term of the SchemeThe term of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is 54 months, starting from the date when the Company makes an announcement on the registration of underlying shares of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme; after the expiry of the term, the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Management Committee may request for an extension, subject to the consideration and approval of the Board. The lock-up period will be the first 36 months of the term and the post-lock-up period is the final 18 months of the 54 month period; during the lock-up period, the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is not allowed to dispose of or transfer the underlying A Shares, whereas during the post-lock-up period, the disposal of the A Share(s) of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, is determined by the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Management Committee. Management of the Employment Stock Ownership SchemeThe Employment Stock Ownership Scheme will be managed by the Company. After the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is implemented, the first participant meeting of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will be held at which the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Management Committee will be formed. The Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Management Committee will exercise the rights of a shareholder on behalf of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme. The Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will be the daily regulatory management body of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme and will perform such other duties as authorised at the participant meetings of the Employment Stock Ownership Scheme. Election of the Employment Stock Ownership Scheme Management CommitteeMembers of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Management Committee will be assumed by the participants upon election at the participant meeting. Candidates for membership of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Management Committee must be participants of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme. However, the Company’s directors, supervisors and senior management personnel are not eligible.The term of office of members of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Management Committee will be the term of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme (including the extension period, if any). Save for the right to become a candidate to be elected as a member of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Management Committee, all participants (including the Connected Participants) of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will be entitled to the same rights and interests under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, such as the rights to participate and vote in participant meetings.Further information regarding the Subscription Price under the Employee Stock Ownership SchemeThe A Shares to be subscribed by the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, will be at the price of RMB 9.36 per A Share. Set out below is further information on the prices of A Shares for reference:Price per A share (RMB)Average closing price for the five consecutive trading days up to and including the date of this announcement10.83Average closing price for the 10 consecutive days up to and including the date of this announcement 10.23Historical high for the past 52-week before the date of this announcement18.97Historical low for the past 52-week before the date of this announcement 5.79Further information on the Intended Participant Subscription AgreementOn 8 October 2015, the Company entered into the Intended Participant Subscription Agreements with each of the Intended Participants (including Connected Participants) in respect of the proposed Employee Stock Ownership Scheme.Earnest MoneyPursuant to the Intended Participant Subscription Agreements, the Intended Participants will pay the Earnest Money to the Company. The Earnest Money paid by each Intended Participant is equivalent to 10% of the relevant Intended Subscription Money as indicated in the relevant Intended Participant Subscription Agreements.In the event that the Proposed Placing is approved and the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is implemented, the Earnest Money will be applied as part of the payment for the subscription of Intended Subscription Interests by the Intended Participants (save for the Connected Participants) under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme. In respect of Connected Participants, the Earnest Money will be applied as part of the payment for the subscription of Intended Subscription Interests by the Connected Participants under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, subject to Independent Shareholders’ approval in the EGM in respect of each Connected Person Participation.Liability in the event of default(i) Necessary approvals are not obtained by the CompanyIn the event that the necessary approvals in respect of the Proposed Placing and Employee Stock Ownership Scheme are not obtained, the Company will refund the Earnest Money to the Intended Participants. (ii) Necessary approvals are obtained by the Company but the Company fails to implement the Employee Stock Ownership SchemeIn the event that the necessary approvals in respect of the Proposed Placing and Employee Stock Ownership Scheme are obtained, but the Company fails to implement the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, the Company will refund the Earnest Money to the Intended Participants, together with the interest accrued on the Earnest Money for the relevant period at the prevailing lending interest rate offered by banks for the same period. (iii) Intended Participants fail to subscribe for the Intended Subscription Interests in fullIn the event that the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is implemented, and an Intended Participant fails to subscribe for the Intended Subscription Interests in full (save for a Connected Participant whose Connected Person Participation is not approved by the Independent Shareholders) or pay the corresponding subscription money, the Earnest Money paid by such Intended Participant will be forfeited and the relevant Intended Participant will no longer be eligible to subscribe for interests under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme. Conditions Precedent of Intended Participant Subscription AgreementsSave for provisions relating to (i) payment of Earnest Money and Intended Subscription Money, (ii) liabilities in the event of default, (iii) dispute resolution, (iv) written amendment requirement and (iv) no assignment of the Intended Participant Subscription Agreement, the Intended Participant Subscription Agreements will only take effect when all conditions precedent set out in the section headed “Conditions Precedent of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme” of this announcement above have been satisfied.Further Information in relation to Connected Participants in the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Set out below is the information on the intended participation of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme by the Intended Participants pursuant to the Intended Participant Subscription Agreements:Number of the Intended ParticipantTotal Intended Subscription Money (RMB) (Approx.)Corresponding number of new A Shares calculated at the Subscription Price Connected Participants65,100,000 544,869Non-Connected Participants 50029,948,0003,199,531Total50635,048,0003,744,400The participation in the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme and the amount of the Intended Subscription Interests are determined solely by the Intended Participants. The intended participation in the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme by the Directors and supervisors of the Company, all being connected persons of the Company under the Hong Kong Listing Rules, will constitute connected transactions of the Company under the Hong Kong Listing Rules. Set out below is information relating to the Intended Subscription Interests by the Connected Participants under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme:Connected Person Participations TableNo.Name of the Connected ParticipantPrincipal Position in the CompanyAmount of Intended Subscription Money (RMB)Amount of Earnest Money under the Subscription Agreement (RMB)1Zhang Dai MingDirector / Chief Executive1,500,000150,0002Ren FulongDirector500,00050,0003Du DepingDirector1,300,000130,0004Xu LiDirector700,00070,0005Li TianzhongSupervisor800,00080,0006Hu YanhuaSupervisor300,00030,000Total5,100,000510,000Implications of the Independent Shareholders’ consideration of the Connected Person ParticipationsIn relation to the Connected Person Participations and the Non-Connected Participations;None of the Connected Person Participations will take effect unless the approval of the Independent Shareholders’ in respect of the Connected Person Participation is obtained. However, none of the Connected Person Participations will be conditional upon the approval of any of the other Connected Person Participations by the Independent Shareholders. Under the Hong Kong Listing Rules, the Non-Connected Person Participations do not require the approval of the Shareholders or the Independent Shareholders. Even if the relevant Shareholder’s approval in respect of the Connected Person Participations have been obtained, whether (i) all or only some of the Connected Person Participations and (ii) all or only some of the Non-Connected Person Participations can proceed will depend on whether the conditions precedent set out in the “Conditions Precedent of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme” above are fulfilled or not.In relation to the Proposed PlacingWhether the Proposed Placing will proceed or not is not conditional on the Independent Shareholders’ approval of all the Connected Person Participations or any of them. Reasons for the Connected Person ParticipationsThe participation in the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme by the Connected Participants, all being members of the management or the supervisory organs of the Company are consistent with the purposes of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme. Implications of the Connected Person Participations under the Hong Kong Listing RulesEach Connected Participant is a chief executive and/or a Director, or a supervisor of the Company and therefore, is a connected person of the Company under the Hong Kong Listing Rules. Accordingly, each Connected Person Participation will constitute a connected transaction of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules and is subject to the announcement, shareholders’ approval and reporting requirements under Chapter 14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules. An Independent Board Committee has been formed to consider, and to advise the Independent Shareholders on the matters specified under Rule 14A.40 of the Hong Kong Listing Rules, including without limitation the fairness and reasonableness of the terms of each Connected Person Participation. The Independent Financial Adviser will be appointed to make recommendations to the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders in respect of the fairness and reasonableness of the terms of each Connected Person Participation, details of which are set out in the section headed “Appointment of the Independent Financial Advisor” below. Separate resolutions will be proposed at the EGM for the Independent Shareholders to consider and, if thought fit, approve each Connected Person Participation subject to the amount of the Intended Subscription Money in respect of that Connected Person Participation. A Connected Participant and his associates will be required to abstain from voting on the Shareholders’ resolution for the approval of the Connected Person Participations in respect of him. Appointment of the Independent Financial AdvisorAn Independent Financial Advisor will be appointed to advise the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders on the Connected Person Participations and such appointment will be approved by the Independent Board Committee. The advice of the Independent Financial Advisor to the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders will be included in the Circular.Directors’ ConfirmationThe Directors (excluding the independent non-executive Directors who are members of the Independent Board Committee will provide their view after considering advice from the Independent Financial Adviser) are of the view that the terms of the proposed implementation of Employee Stock Ownership Scheme and the subscription in the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme by connected persons are fair, reasonable and on normal commercial terms after taking into account the current market conditions and are in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole. All executive Directors, Mr. Zhang Daiming and Mr. Du Deping, and two non-executive Directors, Mr. Ren Fulung and Mr. Xu Lie, who are materially interested in the proposed implementation of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme and the subscription in the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme by connected persons, have abstained from voting on the relevant Board resolutions approving the aforesaid transactions. Save as disclosed above, none of the Directors have a material interest in the proposed implementation of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme and the relevant subscription by connected persons or are required to abstain from voting on the Board resolutions considering and approving the proposed implementation of Employee Stock Ownership Scheme and the relevant subscription by connected persons pursuant to the Hong Kong Listing Rules and/or the articles of association of the Company. EFFECTS ON SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY Set out below is the shareholding structure of the Company (i) as at the date of this Announcement and (ii) immediately after completion of the Proposed Placing (assuming there is no change in the total issued share capital of the Company other than the issue of A Shares since the date of this announcement and up to completion of the Proposed Placing): EMBED Excel.Sheet.12 * Well Bring Ltd, a Hong Kong registered company, is the indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Hualu Holdings Group Company Limited, the Company’s ultimate controller and the sole shareholder of Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Group Company Limited (the Company’s direct controlling shareholder). Note: The percentages shown are rounded to the nearest 2 decimal places. Number may not add up to 100% due to rounding. DILUTIVE IMPACT OF THE PROPOSED PLACING ON IMMEDIATE RETURNSThe following assumptions are used to estimate the impact of the dilution in connection with the Proposed Placing on immediate return to the Company: The plan for the Proposed Placing will be carried out and completed by December 2015, which is merely an estimate made by the Company and the actual date of completion of the Proposed Placing will be a date upon all conditions precedents set out in the section headed “Conditions Precedent of the Proposed Placing” in this announcement above;The number of shares to be issued under the Proposed Placing is 77,000,000 A Shares and the estimated total proceeds, without considering the issue costs, are RMB 721 million;In estimating the net assets of the Company, the impact on the net assets of factors other than the proceeds and the net profit have not been taken into account; The estimate of the total share capital of the Company is based on the total share capital of 457,312,800 shares prior to the Proposed Placing, and only the impact of the Proposed Placing is included, disregarding changes in the share capital as a result of any other factors;The impact on the finance costs of the bank interest incurred prior to the utilisation of the proceeds is not considered; Assumptions regarding the results of the Company for the year 2015 are as follows: In 2014, the net profit attributable to the owners of the parent was RMB 50,725,300 in the consolidated financial statements of the Company. As compared with 2014, the results of the Company for 2015 are expected to maintain stable and sound growth. It is estimated that the audited net profit will increase by 10% and accordingly, the estimated net profit attributable to the parent company will be RMB 55,797,800 for the year 2015. Based on the aforesaid, the Company has evaluated the impact of the Proposed Placing on the principal financial indicators, details of which are as follows: ItemAs at 31 Dec 2014(excluding the impact of the Proposed Placing)As at 31 Dec 2015 (including the impact of the Proposed Placing)As at 31 Dec 2015 Total share capital (shares)457,312,830457,312,830534,312,830Total proceeds from the issue (RMB)720,720,000Equity attributable to the parent company at the beginning of the period1,803,036,2001,820,690,2001,820,690,200Equity attributable to the parent company at the end of the period (RMB)1,820,690,2001,867,341,8002,588,061,800Net profit attributable to the parent company (RMB)50,725,30055,797,80055,797,800Basic earnings per share (RMB) earnings per share (RMB) assets per share (RMB)3.984.084.84Weighted average return on net assets 2.81%3.02%3.02%Fully diluted earnings per share0.110.120.10Fully diluted return on net assets2.79%2.99%2.16%Note:The above assumptions are solely made for the purpose of estimating the effect of the dilution in connection with the Proposed Placing on the financial indicators of the Company and represent neither the Company’s view of its profitability in 2015 nor the Company’s judgment on its operating conditions and trends in 2015. The Company’s assumptions on and analysis of its net profit for 2015 do not constitute a profit forecast of the Company. Investors should not make investment decisions in reliance thereon. The Company will not be held liable for any loss arising from investment decisions made by an investor based on such assumptions and analysis. The impact of the proceeds from the Proposed Placing on the production, operations and financial position (i.e. finance costs and gains on financial management) and other aspects of the Company after such proceeds are received is not taken into account in the above estimate.In the above estimate, profit distribution for the year 2014 is made based on the data set out in the announcement on the resolutions of the annual general meeting of 2014. As of the date of this announcement, the Company has proceeded with profit distribution for the year 2014.Adjustments have been made to the calculation of the earnings per share in accordance with the “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 34 - Earnings per Share” 0OmigŠ–nGR,{34_† - Ļk”€6eŹv 0and the Regulations on the Preparation of Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 9 - Calculation and Disclosure of Return on Net Assets and Earnings per Share (2010 Revision) 0lQ‹•|vLˆI‹8R„vlQųSįOo`«b2—č}1X‰GR,{9_†-čmĒŒ"u6eŹv‡sŒTĻk”€6eŹv„vŠ—{ŹS«b2— 0(2010īOŠ). The calculation of the return on net assets has been adjusted in accordance with the Regulations on the Preparation of Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 9 - Calculation and Disclosure of Return on Net Assets and Earnings per Share (2010 Revision) 0lQ‹•|vLˆI‹8R„vlQųSįOo`«b2—č}1X‰GR,{9_†-čmĒŒ"u6eŹv‡sŒTĻk”€6eŹv„vŠ—{ŹS«b2— 0(2010īOŠ). The fully diluted earnings per share are calculated based on the profit for the year divided by the total number of shares at the end of the year. The fully diluted return on net assets is calculated based on profit for the year divided by the equity attributable to the parent company at the end of the year.The interest rate for bank loans is calculated based on a term of less than one year (inclusive), i.e. 5.1%. REASONS FOR THE PROPOSED PLACING AND THE EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP SCHEME The Proposed PlacingTo strengthen and expand the Company’s core businessIn recent years, the Company's core business has grown steadily while its capital investment has increased. It is now necessary to bring the Company’s working capital in-line with this increased expenditure. Through the Proposed Placing, additional capital will be raised to strengthen the Company’s capital position. The increased capital amount will enable the Company to optimise its operations and upgrade infrastructure, which will in turn help grow the Company’s business.To improve the Company’s financial position and enhance the Company’s profitabilityRMB 800 million of the placing funds will be allocated to repay existing bank borrowings, thereby improving the Company’s debt positon and reducing its exposure to financial risk. The additional capital will allow the Company to reduce financing costs and increase profits.To fulfill working capital needs, improve market competitivenessNotwithstanding the fact that the Company’s level of accounts receivable and inventory management are in healthy positions, pharmaceutical companies typically exhibit high levels of accounts receivable and inventory. It is expected that the placing funds available, following the repayment of existing bank borrowings, will be sufficient to satisfy the Company’s capital needs and improve the Company’s market competitiveness.To enhance competitiveness and achieve development strategiesTo improve its current position and secure its continued development, the Company plans to upgrade its production facilities and target growth in international markets. A series of projects and development strategies will be formulated and implemented. The placing funds, available following the repayment of existing bank borrowings, are expected to be used to cover the cost of implementing these strategies.The Employee Stock Ownership SchemeAccording to the Several Opinions of the State Council on Further Promoting the Healthy Development of the Capital Market (2NekĆO2ĒŒ,g^4XeP·^|vU\„vå‚r^a‹‰) (Guo Fa [2014] No.17), listed companies are allowed to adopt employee stock ownership schemes in various forms. The CSRC issued the Guidelines on Pilot Implementation of Employee Stock Ownership Schemes by Listed Companies ( N^lQųSįTå]c”€ŠƒRfŠŽž„vc\a‹‰) (the  Guiding Opinions ) on 20 June 2014 on the basis of the Company Law of the PRC and the Securities Law of the PRC pursuant to the approval by the State Council of the PRC for the trial of employee stock ownership schemes of listed companies. The Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is a long-term incentive scheme to motivate the employees of the Group and to enhance their sense of responsibility in respect of their positions held in the Group, and to maintain the stability of the workforce and the effectiveness of strategies implemented by the Company with regard to its operation. The implementation of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will also help to promote the degree of recognition of the Company in the capital market. Shareholders and potential investors should note that the Proposed Placing, the proposed Employee Stock Ownership Scheme and the matters in connection therewith may or may not proceed. Accordingly, shareholders and potential investors are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the Shares.PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATIONAccording to the relevant requirements of the “Guidelines for the Articles of Association of Listed Companies (Amended in 2014) 0 N^lQųSąz zc_(2014t^īO¢‹) 0 ,  Notice regarding further implementation of the relevant matters of cash dividend distribution of listed companies 0ܕ¼e2Nek=„ę[ N^lQųSžsёR} gܕ‹N˜„våw 0 and  Guideline No. 3 for the Supervision and Administration of Listed Companies - Cash Dividend for Listed Companies 0 N^lQųSćv”{c_,{3 _†- N^lQųSžsёR} 0 of the CSRC, and coupled with the actual situation of the Company, the Company proposes to, subject to the approval by the Shareholders at the EGM, amend the Articles of Association.EQUITY FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES IN THE PAST TWELVE MONTHSThe Company has not conducted any equity fund raising activities in the past 12 months immediately preceding the date of this announcement.INFORMATION ON THE GROUPThe Company is a joint stock company established under the laws of the PRC with limited liability, the H Shares and A Shares are listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the SZSE respectively.The Company is mainly engaged in the development, manufacture and sales of bulk pharmaceuticals, preparations and chemicals products.GENERALAs some Intended Participants are Directors and supervisors of the Company and are therefore connected persons of the Company under the Hong Kong Listing Rules. The participation in the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme by each such connected person will constitute a connected transaction of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules and is subject to the announcement, shareholders’ approval and reporting requirements under Chapter 14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules.Further, the Connected Person Participations will require the approval of the Independent Shareholders at the EGM to consider and, if thought fit, to approve, among other things, the Connected Person Participations and the transactions contemplated thereunder. Any Shareholders who are interested in or involved in the Connected Person Participations will abstain from voting at the EGM for the relevant resolutions. The Independent Board Committee, comprising all the independent non-executive Directors, has been formed to advise the Independent Shareholders on the fairness and reasonableness of the Connected Person Participations and whether the Connected Person Participations are in the interests of the Company and its Shareholders as a whole. In this connection, the Company will appoint an Independent Financial Adviser to advise the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders.The EGM, A Share Class Meeting and H Share Class Meeting will be convened and held to consider (i) the Proposed Placing, (ii) the proposed implementation of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme and the relevant Connected Person Participations; and (iii) the proposed amendment to the articles of association of the Company. The notice convening the EGM, A Share Class Meeting and H Share Class Meeting and forms of proxy will be despatched to the Shareholders upon the EGM being scheduled. A circular containing, among other things, (i) further information on the Proposed Placing; (ii) further information on the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme and the relevant Connected Person Participations; (iii) the recommendation of the Independent Board Committee; and (iv) a letter from the Independent Financial Adviser containing their advice to the Independent Board Committee will be despatched to the Shareholders as soon as practicable.RESUMPTION OF TRADINGTrading in the H Shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange has been suspended with effect from 9:00 a.m. on 24 July 2015, pending the release of this announcement by the Company. An application has been made to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange for the resumption of trading in the H Shares of the Company with effect from 9:00 a.m. on 9 October 2015. At the request of the Company, trading in the A Shares of the Company will resume from the opening session on 9 October 2015 on the SZSE.DEFINITIONSIn this announcement, unless the context otherwise requires, the expressions below shall have the following meanings:“A Share(s)”Renminbi-denominated domestic share(s) in the share capital of the Company, with a nominal value of RMB1.00 each which is (are) listed on the SZSE“A Share Class Meeting”the meeting of the holders of A Shares to be held for the purpose of, inter alia, considering and, if thought fit, passing the resolutions relating to the Proposed Placing“A Share Shareholder(s)”the holder(s) of A Shares“associate(s)”has the meaning ascribed to it under the Hong Kong Listing Rules“Board”the board of Directors“BXC Assets Management Limited”Beijing Xin Cheng Da Rong Assets Management Limited“BXC Assets Management Limited Subscription Agreement”the conditional subscription agreement dated 8 October 2015 entered into by the Company and BXC Assets Management Limited in relation to the subscription of a maximum of 21,360,000 new A Shares by BXC Assets Management Limited“BXC Fund”a fund to be established and managed by the BXC Assets Management Limited and according to the BXC Assets Management Limited Subscription Agreement, to be established prior to the Company’s application to the CSRC for its approval in respect of the Proposed Placing“CBR Fund”a fund to be established and managed by the CBR Investment Fund Management Limited and according to the CBR Investment Fund Management Limited Subscription Agreement, to be established prior to the Company’s application to the CSRC for its approval in respect of the Proposed Placing“CBR Investment Fund Management Limited”Chongqing Bao Run Equity Investment Fund Management Company Limited“CBR Investment Fund Management Limited Subscription Agreement”the conditional subscription agreement dated 8 October 2015 entered into by the Company and CBR Investment Fund Management Limited in relation to the subscription of a maximum of 20,535,600 new A Shares by CBR Investment Fund Management Limited“Company”Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited (q\qg°eļƒżˆå…”€żN gP–lQųS), a joint stock company with limited liability established in the PRC, whose H shares and A shares are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the SZSE respectively Connected Participant(s) Intended Participant(s) who is a connected person to the Company“Connected Person Participation(s)”the participation(s) in the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme by a Connected Participant(s) and the transactions contemplated by such participation(s), including but not limited to the signing of the Intended Participant Subscription Agreement(s) and the transactions contemplated thereunder“connected person(s)”has the meaning ascribed to it under the Hong Kong Listing Rules“CSRC”China Securities Regulatory Commission“Director(s)”the director(s) of the Company“Earnest Money”the amount of money required to be paid by each Intended Participant (including Connected Participant) under the relevant Intended Participant Subscription Agreement, being 10% of the relevant Intended Subscription Money“EGM”the extraordinary general meeting of the Company for all the Shareholders to be held for the purpose of, inter alia, considering and, if thought fit, passing the resolutions relating to the Proposed Placing and/or the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme “Employee Scheme Subscription”the subscription of a maximum of 3,744,400 new A Shares by the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme pursuant to the Employee Scheme Subscription Agreement“Employee Scheme Subscription Agreement”the conditional subscription agreement dated 8 October 2015 and entered into by the Company and the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme in relation to the Employee Scheme Subscription“Employee Stock Ownership Scheme”the first phase employee stock ownership scheme of the Company set up to allow eligible employees of the Group as at 24 July 2015, including Directors (excluding independent non-executive Directors), supervisors, senior management and other employees of the Group to hold interests thereunder “Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Management Committee”a committee to be established for the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme comprising 17 committee members to be elected by participants of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme“Group”the Company and its subsidiaries“H Share(s)”overseas listed foreign share(s) in the share capital of the Company, with a nominal value of RMB1.00 each and is(are) listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange“H Share Class Meeting”the meeting of the holders of H Shares to be held for the purpose of, inter alia, considering and, if thought fit, passing the resolutions relating to the Proposed Placing“H Share Shareholder(s)”the holder(s) of H Shares“Hong Kong”the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC“Hong Kong Listing Rules”the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange“Hong Kong Stock Exchange”The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited“Independent Board Committee”the independent board committee of the Company comprising all independent non-executive Directors formed to advise the Independent Shareholders on the Connected Person Participation(s) “Independent Financial Adviser”the independent financial adviser to be appointed by the Company to advise the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders on the Connected Person Participation(s)“Independent Shareholder(s)”the Shareholder(s) other than any Shareholders who are interested in Connected Person Participation(s)“Intended Subscription Interests”in respect of each Intended Participant, means the amount of interests under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme intended to be subscribed by him as agreed in the relevant Intended Participant Subscription Agreement“Intended Subscription Money”in respect of each Intended Participant, means the amount of money required to subscribe for the relevant Intended Subscription Interests“Intended Participant(s)”the target participant who has signed the Intended Participant Subscription Agreement, and fulfil all terms and condition stated therein, including a Connected Participant“Intended Participant Subscription Agreement(s)”the legally binding agreement signed by each Intended Participant with the Company on 8 October 2015 in relation to, among other things, confirmation of his participation in the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, the principal terms of which are set out in the section headed “Intended Participant Subscription Agreement” in this announcement“Non-Connected Person Participation(s)”Intended Participant(s) who is not a connected person to the Company“PRC”the People’s Republic of China“Price Adjustment”the adjustment which may be made to the Subscription Price where there occurs any ex-dividend or ex-rights event (such as distribution of dividend, bonus issue or capitalization of capital reserves) to the Company between the Price Determination Date and the date of the proposed issue of A Shares“Price Determination Date”9 October 2015, being the date of the announcement of the Board resolution made by the Company in relation to the Proposed Placing on the SZSE and the date on which the Subscription Price was fixed“Proposed Placing”the proposed non-public issue and placing of not more than 770,000,000 new A Shares at the Subscription Price by the Company to the Subscribers “RMB”Renminbi, the lawful currency of the PRC“Share(s)” A Share(s) and H Share(s)“Share Adjustment”the adjustment which may be made to the number of new A Shares to be issued under the Proposed Placing where there occurs any ex-dividend or ex-rights event (such as distribution of dividend, bonus issue or capitalization of capital reserves) to the Company between the Price Determination Date and the date of the proposed issue of A Shares “Shareholder(s)”the holder(s) of Shares“SJY Industrial Fund LLP”Shandong Ju Ying Industrial Fund Partnerships (Limited Partnership) “SJY Industrial Fund LLP Subscription Agreement”the conditional subscription agreement dated 8 October 2015 entered into by the Company and SJY Industrial Fund LLP in relation to the subscription of a maximum of 21,360,000 new A Shares by SJY Industrial Fund LLP“SKS Assets Management Limited”Shanghai Kai Shi Assets Management Limited“SKS Assets Management Limited Subscription Agreement”the conditional subscription agreement dated 8 October 2015 entered into by the Company and SKS Assets Management Limited in relation to the subscription of a maximum of 10,000,000 new A Shares by SKS Assets Management Limited“SKS Fund”a fund to be established and managed by the SKS Assets Management Limited and according to the SKS Assets Management Limited Subscription Agreement, to be established prior to the Company’s application to the CSRC for its approval in respect of the Proposed Placing“Subscriber(s)”SJY Industrial Fund LLP, SKS Fund, BXC Fund, CBR Fund and Employee Stock Ownership Scheme“Subscription Agreement(s)”SJY Industrial Fund LLP Subscription Agreement, SKS Assets Management Limited Subscription Agreement, BXC Assets Management Limited Subscription Agreement, CBR Investment Fund Management Limited Subscription Agreement and Employee Scheme Subscription Agreement “Subscription Price”RMB 9.36 per A Share (subject to the Price Adjustment)“SZSE”Shenzhen Stock Exchange“trading day(s)”with respect to A Shares, means a day on which the SZSE is open for dealing or trading in securities, and with respect to H Shares, means a day on which the Hong Kong Stock Exchange is open for dealing or trading in securities“%”per cent By Order of the Board ofShandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company LimitedZhang DaimingChairman8 October 2015, Zibo, PRCAs at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises:Executive Directors Independent Non-executive DirectorsMr. Zhang Daiming (Chairman) Mr. Du GuanhuaMr. Du Deping Mr. Li Wenming Mr. Chan Chung Kik, LewisNon-executive DirectorsMr. Ren FulongMr. Xu LieMr. Zhao Bin APPENDIX IFULL TEXT OF THE EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP SCHEME (DRAFT)(BY WAY OF SUBSCRIBING A SHARES IN THE PRIVATE PLACEMENT)  HYPERLINK "http://image.baidu.com/search/detail?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&ipn=d&word=%E6%96%B0%E5%8D%8E%E5%88%B6%E8%8D%AF&step_word=&ie=utf-8&in=&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&cs=2807518964,3852229528&os=1697449997,2407997773&pn=10&rn=1&di=7752063110&ln=1957&fr=&fmq=1437572137835_R&ic=0&s=undefined&se=&sme=&tab=0&width=&height=&face=undefined&is=0,0&istype=0&ist=&jit=&bdtype=0&gsm=0&objurl=http://y0.ifengimg.com/news_spider/dci_2012/09/adbfe9cdbd911a85d90693d71bb4820b.jpg" \t "_blank" Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited First Employee Stock Ownership Scheme (draft) (by way of subscribing non-public offering shares)October 2015 StatementThe Company and all members of the Board of Directors guarantee that the content of Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is true, accurate and complete, without false record and, misleading statements or representations or material omissions. Special Notice1. Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited First Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is prepared in accordance with Company Law of the People's Republic of China, Securities Law of the People's Republic of China, "Guidance on the Implementation of Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Pilot in Listed Companies" and other relevant laws, administrative regulations, rules, normative documents and the "Articles of Association".2. The Employee Stock Ownership Scheme participants include all employees of Xinhua Pharmaceutical and those employees of some of Xinhua Pharmaceutical’s subsidiaries in which it has de facto control, who meet the implementation conditions of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme.3. The capital source of the employees’ participation in the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is the employees’ legitimate salaries and in other form as allowed by law.4. Upon establishment of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, each unit of interest corresponds to RMB1.00 Yuan. Upon establishment, the total amount of interests will not exceed 35.048 million units of interests, and the corresponding total capital will not exceed RMB35.048 million Yuan.5. The Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is managed by the Company. The Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Participants’ Meeting authorizes the Management Committee to be responsible for the specific management matters relating to the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme.6. The Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will subscribe for the non-publicly offered shares at RMB9.36 Yuan / share. This issue price is 90% of the average stock transaction price during the 20 trading days prior to the price determination date. This issue price will be adjusted accordingly, if ex-rights and ex-dividend issues are made by the Company, such as dividend payout, share granting, capital reserve conversion into share capital, issuing new shares or allotment, etc., during the period from the price determination date to the issue date. 7. The number of shares of the Company acquired by the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme through the non-public offering shall not exceed 3.7444 million shares. Assuming that the Company will issue 77 million shares through the non-public offering, the number of the Company’s shares subscribed by Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will not exceed 0.70% of the Company’s total share capital. The total number of all effective shares held by the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme shall not exceed 10% of the Company’s total share capital. The total interests an individual employee holds under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme shall not exceed an amount that is equivalent to 1% of the Company’s total share capital. 8. The term of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is 54 months, starting from the date when the shares of this non-public offering are registered under the name of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme. The initial 36 months of the 54 month period will be the lock lock-up period, whereas the last 18 months of the 54 month period will be the unlocked period.9. The Employee Stock Ownership Scheme may only be implemented after the following conditions are satisfied: (1) shareholders' approval being obtained at the shareholders' meeting; (2) matters relating to the Company’s non-public issue has been approved by the relevant State-owned asset authorities and the CSRC.10. The shareholders' meeting for the consideration and approval of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will be held by way of both on-site voting and Internet voting. The Company will provide an online voting platform to shareholders through the Shenzhen Stock Exchange trading system and the Internet voting system. Shareholders may exercise their right to vote in accordance with the time limit set for online voting through the system described above.11. The implementation of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will not result in the non-compliance of the Company’s share distribution with its listing conditions. Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc431444342" 1. The basic principles of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme  PAGEREF _Toc431444342 \h 8 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc431444343" 2. The purpose of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme  PAGEREF _Toc431444343 \h 8 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc431444344" 3. The participants and determination criteria  PAGEREF _Toc431444344 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc431444345" 4. The sources of capital and shares  PAGEREF _Toc431444345 \h 10 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc431444346" 5. The participants  PAGEREF _Toc431444346 \h 11 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc431444347" 6. The locking, existence, change and termination of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme  PAGEREF _Toc431444347 \h 11 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc431444348" 7. Prohibition act of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme  PAGEREF _Toc431444348 \h 12 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc431444349" 8. The management of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme  PAGEREF _Toc431444349 \h 13 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc431444350" 9. The Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Participants’ Meeting convening and voting procedures  PAGEREF _Toc431444350 \h 14 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc431444351" 10. The Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Management Committee appointment procedures  PAGEREF _Toc431444351 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc431444352" 11. Participation by the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme in Company financing  PAGEREF _Toc431444352 \h 19 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc431444353" 12. The measures for the disposal of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme rights and interests  PAGEREF _Toc431444353 \h 19 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc431444354" 13. Miscellaneous  PAGEREF _Toc431444354 \h 19 DefinitionExcept as otherwise stated, the following abbreviations are interpreted as follows:AbbreviationInterpretationXinhua Pharmaceutical, company, the Company, listed companyShandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company LimitedEmployee Stock Ownership Scheme, this Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, Xinhua Pharmaceutical First Employee Stock Ownership SchemeShandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited First Employee Stock Ownership Scheme“Employee Stock Ownership Scheme”“Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited First Employee Stock Ownership Scheme (draft) (by way of subscribing non-publicly offered shares)”Employeeall employees of Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited and eligible employees of some Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited subsidiaries meeting conditions set out in the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Participants’ MeetingEmployee Stock Ownership Scheme Participants’ MeetingManagement CommitteeEmployee Stock Ownership Scheme Management Committee“Articles of Association of Participants’ Meeting”“Articles of Association of Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Participants’ Meeting”This offering, this non-public offeringXinhua Pharmaceutical’s issue of no more than 77 million shares through a non-public offering to Shandong Ju Ying Industrial Fund Partnerships (Limited Partnership), an equity investment fund to be established and managed by Shanghai Kai Shi Assets Management Limited, an equity investment fund to be established and managed by Beijing Xin Cheng Da Rong Assets Management Limited, an equity investment fund to be established and managed by Chongqing Bao Run Equity Investment Fund Management Company Limited and Employee Stock Ownership Scheme.Company LawCompany Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaSecurities LawSecurities Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaListing Governing RulesRules Governing the Listing of Shares at Shenzhen Stock Exchange“Guidance”“Guidance on the Implementation of Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Pilot in Listed Companies”“Articles of Association”“Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited Articles of Association”CSRC, securities regulatory committeeChina Securities Regulatory CommitteeYuanRMB Yuan Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited First Employee Stock Ownership Scheme (draft)In accordance with the Company Law, the Securities Law, the "Guidance", other relevant laws and regulations, regulatory documents and the "Articles of Association", and consistent with the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality, Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited has launched the Xinhua Pharmaceutical First Employee Stock Ownership Scheme. The objective of this Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is to improve its corporate governance structure, align the interests of employees and enterprise, and ensure that the Company's future production and business goals as well as development strategies are realized.1. The basic principles of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme1.1 The principle of lawfulness and compliance To implement the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, Xinhua Pharmaceutical will perform relevant procedures in strict compliance with laws and administrative regulations, and disclose information accurately, completely and timely. No person may use the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme to engage in insider trading, manipulate the stock market or commit securities fraud.1.2 The principle of voluntary participationXinhua Pharmaceutical’s implementation of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will adhere to the principle of voluntary participation by employees. Xinhua Pharmaceutical will not adopt apportion, mandatory distribution, etc. to compel employees to participate in the Xinhua Pharmaceutical First Employee Stock Ownership Scheme.1.3 The principle of risk assumptionThe Employee Stock Ownership Scheme participants will assume sole responsibility for risks, profits and losses, and enjoy equal rights and interests with other investors. 2. The purpose of the Employee Stock Ownership SchemeAs a state-owned holding listed company, Xinhua Pharmaceutical intends to implement the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, which is in accordance with "the CPC Central Committee decision on a number of major issues related to comprehensive deepening reform" at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China so as to "implement employee stock ownership by mixed ownership economy, and form a community of interests between capital owners and labor owners". The issue will also comply with the requirements of "allowing listed companies to launch employee stock Ownership Scheme through various forms according to relevant provisions" as set out in the "State Council opinions on further promoting the healthy development of capital markets" (G. F. [2014] No. 17).The purpose of the implementation of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is as follows:(1) to actively promote and deepen mixed-ownership reform, establish and improve mechanisms for sharing benefits between workers and owners, align the interests of shareholders, enterprise and individuals, and improve and enhance corporate governance.(2) to further mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of employees, attract and retain talent, enhance employee cohesion and corporate competitiveness, and promote the long-term, stable and healthy development of the Company.(3) to optimize the Company's ownership structure, enhance the Company's financial strength, improve the Company's risk management capacity and sustainable operation ability, and provide a level of confidence in the Company’s future growth and strength.3. The participants and determination criteriaThe Xinhua Pharmaceutical First Employee Stock Ownership Scheme participants include all employees who have signed labor contracts with Xinhua Pharmaceutical as of July 24 2015 and those employees who have signed labor contracts with some of Xinhua Pharmaceutical’s holding subsidiaries, provided that they meet the implementation conditions of Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, and that they are determined by the Company’s Board of Directors and verified and confirmed by Board of Supervisors. There are 4,528 employees who meet the implementation conditions of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme. Among them, there are 12 directors, supervisors and senior management personnel, and 4,516 employees. The final number of Employee Stock Ownership Scheme participants will be determined by those who voluntarily agree to participate. The subscription amount will be determined by the actual contributions by employees.This Employee Stock Ownership Scheme complies with principles including lawfulness, compliance, voluntary participation and risk assumption. The Company will not adopt apportion, mandatory distribution, etc. to compel employees to participate in this Employee Stock Ownership Scheme.4. The sources of capital and shares4.1 The source of capitalThe capital source of the Xinhua Pharmaceutical First Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is the participant employees’ salary and other legal income.4.2 The source of shares The Xinhua Pharmaceutical First Employee Stock Ownership Scheme intends to acquire Xinhua Pharmaceutical’s shares through subscription for the non-publicly offered shares. The subscription amount will not exceed RMB35.048 million Yuan, and the number of shares to be subscribed will not exceed 3.7444 million shares.4.3 The total capital of the Employee Stock Ownership SchemeThe upper limit of the shares held by the Xinhua Pharmaceutical First Employee Stock Ownership Scheme shall not exceed 10% of the listed company's total share capital. The total interests an individual participant holds under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme shall not exceed an amount that is equivalent to 1% of the Company’s total share capital. The number of the listed company’s shares held by the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme does not include the shares acquired by employees prior to the initial public offering and the subsequent listing of the Company’s shares, the shares purchased by employees through secondary market, and the shares acquired by employees through equity incentives.The subscription price of a unit of interest in the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is RMB1 Yuan. The number of unit of interests under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme upon its establishment shall not exceed 35.048 million units. The subscription unit is "a thousand units". The total subscription amount shall not exceed RMB35.048 million Yuan.4.4 The price for the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme’s subscription for the non-publicly offered sharesIn accordance with the "Measures for the Administration of the Issuance of Securities by Listed Companies", the issue price of a listed company’s non-public offering of shares shall not be less than 90% of the company’s average stock transaction price during the 20 trading days prior to the price determination date. Taking the announcement date of the Board of Directors’ resolution regarding this non-public offering of shares as the price determination date, and referring to the ten-percent discount of Xinhua Pharmaceutical’s average stock transaction price (the total stock trading amount in the previous 20 trading days / total number of stocks traded) in the previous 20 trading days, the Company finally determines the price for this Employee Stock Ownership Scheme’s subscription for the non-publicly offered shares shall be RMB9.36 Yuan / share.The issue price will be adjusted accordingly, if ex-rights and ex-dividend issues are made by the Company (such as dividend payout, share granting, and capital reserve conversion into share capital) during the period from the price determination date to the issue date.5. The participantsParticipants’ interests in the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme shares shall not exceed RMB 35.048 million, of which, RMB 8.82 million to be contributed by the Company’s directors, supervisors and senior management personnel (Zhang Daiming, Ren Fulong, Du Deping, Li Tianzhong, Xu Lie, Wang Xiaolong, Dou Xuejie, Du Deqing, He Tongting, Hou Ning, Cao Changqiu and Hu Yanhua), accounting for 25.17% of the total number of shares to be subscribed by this Employee Stock Ownership Scheme; the other employees (494 employees) will contribute no more than 26.228 million, accounting for 74.83% of the total number of shares to be subscribed by the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme. The final number of participants in the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme will be determined by those who voluntarily agree to participate. The subscription amount will be determined by the actual contributions made by the participating employees.The final number of Employee Stock Ownership Scheme shares and the total subscription amount shall be determined by the number of non-public offering shares and the amount required by this Employee Stock Ownership Scheme to subscribe for non-public offering shares. The number and percentage of finally subscribed shares by each employee shall be determined by the contribution by each employee.6. The lock-up, existence, change and termination of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme The term of this Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is 54 months, of which the first 36 months is the lock-up period, while the last 18 months of the term of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme shall be the unlocked period. The lock-up period of the non-public offering shares subscribed by this Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is 36 months, starting from the date when the shares of this non-public offering are registered under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme. The Company’s non-public offering shares acquired by the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, and the shares derived from the Company’s stock dividend distribution and capital reserve conversion, etc., shall also comply with the foregoing share lock-up arrangement.If approved by the Company’s Board of Directors and the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Management Committee, the duration of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme may be extended. If the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is not validly extended after the expiration of its term, the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme shall be automatically terminated. During the unlocked period, if the assets of this Employee Stock Ownership Scheme are all money funds, this Employee Stock Ownership Scheme may be terminated in advance. During the unlocked period, the disposal of the Company’s shares held by the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme shall be determined by the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Management Committee.Liquidation of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme shall be completed within 30 business days after the expiration or the early termination of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme. The assets of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme shall be distributed in the form of money funds according to the percentage of interests held by a participant relative to the total interests under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme.7. Prohibition act of the Employee Stock Ownership SchemeThe Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is not allowed to dispose of the Company’s shares during the following periods.the period starting from 60 days prior to the convening of the Company’s Board of Directors’ meeting for the consideration of annual report to the date of disclosure of the annual report (both days inclusive);the period starting from one month (30 days in the case of February) prior to the convening of the Company’s Board of Directors’ meeting for the consideration of quarterly or interim report to the date of disclosure of the quarterly or interim report (both days inclusive);ten days prior to the release of the Company’s results preview or preliminary report (both days inclusive);the period starting from the date when a material issue that may produce a significant impact on the Company’s share price is known to two trading days after the issue is disclosed according to the law.Any disposal of the Company’s shares is prohibited during the periods referred to under items 1-3 above, including any period of delay in the disclosure of the Company’s results announcement.In the event of any disposal of the Company’s shares by the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme within six months after the shares are purchased or any purchase of the Company’s shares by the Scheme within six months after the shares are disposed of, the proceeds gained shall belong to the Company.In the event of any future changes in the relevant laws and rules and governing documents or if any regulatory bodies or exchanges on which the shares of the Company are listed impose other regulations and requirements on the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme in respect of its disposal of the Company’s shares, the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme shall comply with such other regulations and requirements. 8. The management of the Employee Stock Ownership SchemeThis Employee Stock Ownership Scheme is managed by Xinhua Pharmaceutical.In accordance with the "Guidance", the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme participants shall establish a body through the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Participants’ Meeting to supervise the daily management of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, and represent the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme participants in exercising their shareholder rights.Employees participating in the Xinhua Pharmaceutical First Employee Stock Ownership Scheme are participants of the Xinhua Pharmaceutical First Employee Stock Ownership Scheme. The Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Participants’ Meeting is the authoritative body of this Employee Stock Ownership Scheme which will formulate the "Articles of Association of Participants’ Meeting".The Xinhua Pharmaceutical First Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Management Committee is a permanent body of the Xinhua Pharmaceutical First Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Participants’ Meeting, which will supervise the daily management of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme and represent the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme participants in exercising their shareholder rights. The Management Committee shall, in accordance with relevant laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules and regulations, this Employee Stock Ownership Scheme and the "Articles of Association of Participants’ Meeting", manage the assets of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of participants of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, ensure the safety of the assets of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, avoid potential conflicts of interest between other shareholders of the Company and participants of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, implement adequate risk prevention and isolation measures.Assets of this Employee Stock Ownership Scheme are independent of other properties of the Company. The Company shall not take possession of or misappropriate the assets of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme or adopt any other actions to mingle the assets of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme with that of the Company.9. The Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Participants’ Meeting convening and voting procedures9.1 Participants’ Meeting 9.1.1 Powers of the Participants’ MeetingThe Participants’ Meeting is composed of all participants and is the authoritative body of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme. Participants are entitled to participate in Participants’ Meetings, and exercise their voting rights according to the percentage of interests that they hold. The Participants’ Meetings may exercise the following powers:(1) propose to add or dismiss Management Committee members;(2) increase or decrease the powers and responsibilities of the Management Committee;(3) submit matters according to the Management Committee’s resolution to Participants’ Meetings for discussion and deliberation;(4) consider and deliberate on matters which have been proposed by more than one-third of all participants in the Participants’ Meeting(5) revise the "Articles of Association of Participants’ Meeting", as proposed by more than three-quarters of all participants.9.1.2 Convening and holding of Participants’ Meetings(1) A proposed Participants’ Meeting may be convened, after having been resolved by the Management Committee. If the Management Committee proposes to convene a Participants’ Meeting, it shall convene the meeting within 30 calendar days after the relevant resolution of the Management Committee has been passed, and shall send a notice of the meeting to all participants at least three calendar days prior to the meeting. The notice of the meeting shall be accompanied by the proposed resolutions which are to be voted on.(2) If proposed by more than one third of all participants, a Participants’ Meeting may be convened by the Management Committee. The above proposal shall be submitted in writing to the Management Committee, along with the written proposal signed by more than one third of all participants, as well as the proposed resolutions to be discussed and deliberated on by the Participants’ Meeting. The Management Committee shall convene a Participants’ Meeting within 30 calendar days after receiving the above proposal, and shall send a meeting notice to all participants at least three calendar days prior to the meeting. The notice of the meeting shall be accompanied by the proposed resolutions to be voted on.9.1.3 The Participants’ Meeting voting procedures(1) The Participants’ Meeting generally considers and deliberates on relevant proposals by way of writing, and votes shall be casted in writing. Where a particular Participants’ Meeting considers and resolve a proposal in writing, the Management Committee shall ensure that the participants’ rights to be fully informed and their rights to vote are safeguarded.(2) Voting at a Participants’ Meeting on matters for consideration and deliberation will be taken openly and in writing. Regardless of the number of interests held, every participant shall have the right to vote.(3) Resolutions passed at Participants’ Meetings on the matters described in items (1), (2), (3) and (4) may become effective after being passed by more than one half of all participants; while the resolutions passed on the matter described in item (5) may become effective after being passed by more than two-thirds of all participants.9.2 The Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Management Committee 9.2.1 Powers of the Management Committee The Management Committee is a permanent body of the Participants’ Meeting. A candidate for being elected as a member of the Management Committee shall be a participant. However, a participant who is a director, supervisor or the senior management of the Company shall not become a candidate for membership of the Management Committee. The Management Committee members' powers are as follows:(1) convene Participants’ Meetings according to the "Articles of Association of Participants’ Meeting";(2) carry out resolutions passed by a Participants’ Meeting;(3) represent all participants in supervising the daily management of the assets of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme;(4) represent all participants in exercising their shareholder rights over the Xinhua Pharmaceutical shares pursuant to the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme;(5) supervise the distribution under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme;(6) propose changes, termination and extension of the term of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme to the Board of Directors of Xinhua Pharmaceutical;(7) register units of interests held under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme and the corresponding beneficial interests;(8) revise the "Articles of Association of Participants’ Meeting";(9) act in accordance with the actual needs of the participants, develop regulatory documents relating to the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme which are applicable to all participants;(10) other powers authorised by the Participants’ Meeting.9.2.2 There shall be one director, three deputy directors and five secretary-generals in the Management Committee. Each such office shall be elected by more than one half of all members of the Management Committee. The director of the Management Committee may exercise the following powers: (1) convene and preside over the Management Committee meetings;(2) supervise and inspect the implementation of resolutions passed by Participants’ Meetings and the Management Committee;(3) other powers conferred by the Management Committee.9.2.3 The convening and holding of Management Committee meetings(1) The Management Committee meeting is divided into annual meetings and interim meetings. Annual meetings shall be held before June 30 every year and convened by the director of the Management Committee; if the director is not able to convene the meeting, he shall designate a deputy director to convene the meeting. Notice of the meeting shall be given to all Committee members in writing, by fax or by post 3 days prior to the meeting by a secretary-general. If proposed jointly by more than one third of all members of the Management Committee, an interim meeting may be held. The Director of the Management Committee shall convene the interim meeting of the Management Committee within 10 days after receiving the proposal. Interim meetings shall be presided by the Director of the Management Committee.(2) The Management Committee meetings shall be attended by Committee members in person. If any Committee member is unable to attend a meeting, he may authorize another Committee member in writing to attend the meeting. The authorization letter shall state the name of the proxy, the matters to be dealt with by the proxy, the scope of authority and the effective period of such authorization. The authorization letter shall be signed and stamped by the authorizing person. The proxy shall exercise his right as a Committee member within his scope of authority. Any Committee member who is absent in a meeting and fails to authorise another Committee member attending the meeting shall be deemed to have waived his right to vote at such meeting. (3) In general, Management Committee meetings shall be held by way of physical meetings. However, provided it can be ensured that all members can fully express their views, the Management Committee meetings may be held and resolutions may be passed in writing and delivered via registered mail, fax and other forms of communications. For a meeting which is held via other forms of communications, the number of attendees may be calculated according to the number of effective votes actually received in a specified period by fax or registered mail, etc., or the number of written confirmation letters submitted subsequently by members in respect of their participation in the meeting.9.2.4 The Management Committee meeting voting procedures(1) The Management Committee meeting may be held if it will be attended by more than one half of all members (including attendance by proxies).(2) As for the meetings of the Management Committee, one member has one vote, and votes are taken openly and in writing. A resolution of the Management Committee may only become effective if it is passed by more than one half of all the members attending the meeting.(3) The secretary-general of the Management Committee shall take minutes for resolutions made in a meeting. All Committee members attending the meeting shall sign the minutes.(4) Resolutions passed at a Management Committee meeting shall be announced to participants in an acceptable manner.10. Appointment procedures of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Management Committee 10.1 Candidates running for elections of members of the Management Committee must be participants. However, a director, supervisor or the senior management shall not be a candidate for membership of the Management Committee. All initial members of the Management Committee shall be elected by participants. Except in the case of a participant losing their status as a qualified Management Committee member, elected members shall formally report duty from the effective date of "Articles of Association of Participants’ Meeting". After the "Articles of Association of Participants’ Meeting" become effective, the Management Committee members shall be accountable to all participants. The term of office of Committee members is the same as the term of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme.10.2 Candidates running for the election of Management Committee members shall be nominated by participants democratically. There shall be 17 seats.10.3 Management Committee candidates shall include a certain number of Xinhua Pharmaceutical frontline staff.10.4 The election of the Management Committee members shall take place by way of voting in writing and shall proceed by way of “the number of candidate is same as the number of person being elected”. Each candidate may only be elected as a Committee member if he wins votes from more than one half of all participants.10.5 During the term of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, if the total number of Management Committee members is less than two-thirds of the total number of initial members, for reasons such as any Management Committee member losing their status as a qualified Management Committee member or civil competence, the Management Committee shall convene a Participants’ Meeting to have a Committee member(s) elected to fill the vacancy. After additional Committee member(s) is/are elected, the total number of Management Committee members shall not be less than two-thirds of the total number of initial members.11. Participation by the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme in Company financingDuring the term of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, if the Company carries out financing through allotment of shares, additional issuance, convertible bonds and other means, the Management Committee shall submit the matter to the Participants’ Meeting to considerq r : < > @ B D F H ` b ļąļŠĄ­˜€hV<&*h¼mhń%L5CJOJQJ\aJmH sH 2h¼mhń%L5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJmH sH "h¼mhń%L5CJ\aJmH sH /h¼mhĄKł5B*CJKH\aJmH ph# sH /h¼mh7^5B*CJKH\aJmH ph# sH )h¼mh7^B*CJKHaJmH ph# sH %jh¼mhnšCJUaJmH sH h¼mh² Ā6CJaJmH sH h¼mh©k6CJaJmH sH h¼mhĄKłCJaJmH sH h¼mhń%L6CJaJmH sH  q r < > B D F H b d Ā ~ ¦ Ø  - ˆ Ą Ś Ū óóóóóóóóääääääÖÖÖÖÖĖ dš3$gd[…m$$dš1$a$gd[…m$$dš7$8$a$gd[…m$ dš7$8$gd[…m$ĘDĘžžb d Ā Ä Ę ~ Ø ®    † ‡ ˆ ‹ ¼ æ Ć Ł Ś ńįĻ½Ļń©•©•„pYp©A•©A©.h¼mhń%L5CJKH\aJmH nHsH tH,h¼mh©dh©d5CJKH\aJmH sH &h¼mh©d5CJKH\aJmH sH  hźF”5CJKH\aJmH sH &h¼mhń%L5CJKH\aJmH sH &h¼mhD5CJKH\aJmH sH "h¼mh² Ā6CJ]aJmH sH "h¼mhń%L6CJ]aJmH sH h¼mhń%L5CJaJmH sH h¼mhń%LCJaJmH sH Ś Ū /=ž ¹ŗ»×Ūņōż!)8BHJLńŲÉŗÉ«É«œÉ~ɍoo~É`QÉBh¼mhcfšCJaJmH sH h¼mhdACJaJmH sH h¼mhĻCJaJmH sH h¼mh[=ąCJaJmH sH h¼mh¢³CJaJmH sH h¼mhZjCJaJmH sH h¼mhłI¤CJaJmH sH h¼mhžH~CJaJmH sH h¼mh>6:CJaJmH sH h¼mhń%LCJaJmH sH 1h¼mhń%L5>*CJKH\aJmH nHsH tHh¼mhDCJaJmH sH Ū KL‹Œ ²³éź56ŅŅŅŅ„ŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅ,dš$d%d&d'd3$NĘ’OĘ’PĘ’QĘ’gd©dm$,dš$d%d&d'd3$NĘ’OĘ’PĘ’QĘ’gd[…m$LO]_g %&23ozŠ‹Œ”ĒČąńāńÓIJńÓ£ń£ńāńā”ń…vgUCU"h¼mh>6:5>*CJaJmH sH "h¼mhč0L5>*CJaJmH sH hźF”5>*CJaJmH sH h¼mh©dCJaJmH sH h¼mhĄKłCJaJmH sH h¼mhbmµCJaJmH sH h¼mhEcéCJaJmH sH "h¼mhõƒhõƒCJaJmH sH h¼mhõƒCJaJmH sH h¼mhA)¬CJaJmH sH h¼mh>6:CJaJmH sH h¼mhń%LCJaJmH sH ąįč  ø¹»æįšś237`ef~‡ˆž”ÆīÜŹøÜ©š‹š‹š|š|š‹š|‹šmš©|^|^|©Oh¼mh>6:CJaJmH sH h¼mhnXnCJaJmH sH h¼mhn˜CJaJmH sH h¼mhłI¤CJaJmH sH h¼mhµ"ŹCJaJmH sH h¼mh^©CJaJmH sH h¼mhń%LCJaJmH sH "h¼mh>6:5>*CJaJmH sH "h¼mh©d5>*CJaJmH sH "h¼mhč0L5>*CJaJmH sH "h¼mhXF75>*CJaJmH sH Ʊ²³ö’°µĶę]fµ¶·øéźū 4QYqrÖŪšńāÓńÄńÄńāńāńµń¦ń–‡x‡xpaxaxRxaxh¼mhü¬CJaJmH sH h¼mhrÖCJaJmH sH h^hCJaJh¼mh»O”CJaJmH sH h¼mh‡tėCJaJmH sH h¼mhń%L5CJaJmH sH h¼mhACJaJmH sH h¼mh>6:CJaJmH sH h¼mhłI¤CJaJmH sH h¼mh s_CJaJmH sH h¼mhß2"CJaJmH sH h¼mhń%LCJaJmH sH šõOQĘĻŠļó56gk€‚†æ×^ łńāÓńÄń²£ńÄń“ƒsƒsƒsƒcƒQBh¼mhń%LCJaJmH sH "h¼mhń%L5>*CJaJmH sH h¼mhS_ź5CJaJmH sH h¼mh@w5CJaJmH sH h¼mhž‚5CJaJmH sH h¼mh»O”5CJaJmH sH h¼mhĮ4äCJaJmH sH #hš čhĮ4äCJPJaJmH o(sH h¼mhµ"ŹCJaJmH sH h¼mhMHĒCJaJmH sH h¼mh»O”CJaJmH sH h¼mh¢³CJaJmH sH 6]^ ±²ŗž tvĘĒa Ņ„„„„„„„x„„„„,dš$d%d&d'd3$NĘ’OĘ’PĘ’QĘ’gd‡tėm$,dš$d%d&d'd3$NĘ’OĘ’PĘ’QĘ’gd[…m$,dš$d%d&d'd3$NĘ’OĘ’PĘ’QĘ’gdž‚m$łś XYq Æ°±²ŗY\žŸ tvńāÓāńāÄāµ¦—…vgvWHv9v—h¼mh‡tėCJaJmH sH h¼mhVsCJaJmH sH h¼mh755CJaJmH sH h¼mh©dCJaJmH sH h¼mh75CJaJmH sH "h¼mhŠ+ś5>*CJaJmH sH h¼mhŠ+śCJaJmH sH h¼mh±™CJaJmH sH h¼mhß2"CJaJmH sH h¼mhą$jCJaJmH sH h¼mhµ"ŹCJaJmH sH h¼mhń%LCJaJmH sH h¼mh–>WCJaJmH sH )0P`€„ÅĒ` a b ¼ é ÷ !!!!:!A!N!O!P!h!q!y!! !¢!ńāÓāÓÄāµ¦—ā¦ńˆńˆńˆyjy[ˆńˆńˆńˆh¼mh¾OÉCJaJmH sH h¼mhØ3CJaJmH sH h¼mh8GCJaJmH sH h¼mhP]CJaJmH sH h¼mh>4°CJaJmH sH h¼mhŠ+śCJaJmH sH h¼mh>6:CJaJmH sH h¼mhxXTCJaJmH sH h¼mh‡tėCJaJmH sH h¼mhEiCJaJmH sH h¼mh)KŠCJaJmH sH a b ½ ¢!£! $$#$Ō$}%~%& & &6&7&ŗ&»&ŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅĒ­ŸŸŸdš1$7$8$gd[…m$ & FĘv„v„Šżdš1$^„v`„Šżgd# 6m$ dš1$gd[…m$,dš$d%d&d'd3$NĘ’OĘ’PĘ’QĘ’gd[…m$¢!£!" 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The measures for the disposal of the rights and interests of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme 12.1 Throughout the term of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, except in the event where transfer is required by effective judicial adjudication, no participant may transfer the interest held by him, or apply to withdraw from the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme; the interests held in the name of a participant shall be regarded as held by such participant. No participant may hold interests on behalf of others.12.2 In cases where a participant resigns, retires, died or is no longer able to participate in the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, their interests and the rights relating to those interests shall be disposed of in the following manner:(1) if a participant resigns, retires at the State mandatory retirement age, or loses civil competence, his interests under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme and the rights attached thereto shall not be affected;(2) if a participant dies, his interests under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme and the rights attached thereto remain unchanged, and his rights shall be enjoyed by his legal successor;(3) other matters not covered herein shall be decided by the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Management Committee.13. Miscellaneous13.1 The Company shall implement financial and accounting treatments and make tax payments, etc. in respect of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme in accordance with the relevant financial requirements, accounting standards and taxation system regulations of the State and the Company;13.2 This Employee Stock Ownership Scheme may be implemented, after approval by State-owned assets supervision and administration authorities and shareholders at the Company’s shareholder meeting, as well as after the non-public share issue has been approved by the CSRC;13.3 The shareholders' meeting for the discussion and deliberation of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme shall be conducted by way of both on-site voting and Internet voting. The Company will provide an internet voting platform to shareholders through the Shenzhen Stock Exchange trading system and the Internet voting system. Shareholders may exercise their rights to vote in accordance with the time limit set for online voting through the system described above.13.4 The right to interpret this Employee Stock Ownership Scheme belongs to the Board of Directors.Board of DirectorsShandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited 8 October, 2015PAGE PAGE 5‰Ć\Å]ÅĮÅĀÅĆÅÖÅĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘ Ę!Ę#Ę$Ę&Ę'Ę(ĘńńńééŽŅŽŅĒĒÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅ dš1$gd[…m$ $d 4$a$gd•l $d a$gd•ld gd•l„¢d WDĒ`„¢gd•lĘĘĘĘĘ!Ę"Ę$Ę%Ę)Ę+Ę,Ę2Ę3Ę4Ę6Ę7Ę=Ę>Ę?Ę@ĘAĘCĘDĘEĘīęāęāęāęāŽŌĪŌĪŽŌĪŌĆŌĪŽāīhBnO0JmHnHu h-d0Jjh-d0JUh-dhHĀjhHĀU"hHčhŻ 5>*CJaJmH sH (Ę)Ę*Ę+Ę4Ę5Ę6ĘAĘBĘCĘDĘEĘżóżźčżźčżżŻ dš1$gd[…m$„ü’„&`#$ &dPĘ’ 0182P°‚. °ĘA!°"°# $ %°°S°ą ©< 00182P:p˜°‚. °ĘA!°"°# $ %°°S°ą ©nšu*l©„„³“?xŻó½¹Kē-’‰PNG  IHDRr™£yJzgAMA±ˆ•˜ō¦ pHYsLąLąXt•cśPLTEżżżżż#ż$ż 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